WhatsApp Adds Hidden End-To-End Secrets On Its Storage

WhatsApp currently uses end-to-end encryption for its chat, and now according to Facebook author Mark Zuckerberg, it looks like the end-to-end coverage will come in the form of WhatsApp storage soon. This will work for both iOS and Android, which means that WhatsApp backups stored in iCloud or Google Drive will be secure at the end.

According to Zuckerberg, “We’re adding another privacy feature to WhatsApp: a way to switch to end-to-end backups in Google Drive or iCloud. WhatsApp is the world’s first to send secure text messages to end-to-end, and to reach a technological crisis that requires a new cloud storage and storage framework on operating systems. ”

For those who don’t know what it means, the description at the end means that the only tools that can be seen are the ones that can explain what is a chat and backup storage. This means that even if they are caught in the middle, the fighter cannot explain what is inside. Prior to this, the lack of access to the end of its storage can be considered as one of the weaknesses of WhatsApp.

That being said, it has recently been revealed that Facebook employs contractors with special equipment They can be very hot of chat, which is why you should take the company announcement soon at a price now.

Saved Everything. Read more about Privacy, Security and Whatsapp. Source facebook

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