Pep Guardiola: Manchester City boss has received a request to start the World Cup every two years | Football Stories

Pep Guardiola believes that the World Cup every two years could be a good game and could receive a fair hearing on the matter.

FIFA World Cup leader Arsene Wenger, former Arsenal boss has suggested that an international exhibition be held annually.

The plans were strongly criticized in some quarters, with UEFA President Aleksander Ceferin suggesting that European countries could win the tournament if approved.

European countries, a team that includes the Premier League and the EFL, has stated that its members “unanimously and unanimously” oppose the idea.

Manchester City boss Guardiola does not think the request should be rejected, however, and wants to hear all the opinions.

He sees winning the World Cup as a better option than other new competitions that could fill the calendar.

“I’m always happy when new ideas are put on the table for us to discuss,” Guardiola said. “You don’t have to do a mental breakdown.

“Clubs and players are defending their positions, FIFA is defending theirs and UEFA is defending theirs.

“That’s why when we talk about world football, it’s funny because everyone just looks at it.

“The World Cup is amazing. It’s a great competition and, as an observer, I love to play. If I could watch it every two years it would be great.

“I fully agree with Arsene Wenger because if it is not the World Cup then you will be competing in another tournament – the Confederations Cup or creating a new competition. What I have seen Arsene want is a very good competition.

“I’m glad that one person who has done incredible things in world football – not just the Premier League – has put this on the table. We’ll talk about the pros and cons of it.”

Keeping Guardiola’s head on his mind can be a daunting task for players.

He feels he is being asked to play more and changes need to be made.

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FIFA world leader Arsene Wenger says there has been a ‘positive response’ to talks to host the World Cup every two years.

The former Barcelona and Bayern Munich manager said: “The reality is that the players have only two weeks, not three months to be physically and mentally established. It’s only two or three weeks left.

“Between 11 months there is a game, a game, a game. Before that, the preparation season before four or five weeks. Now we have 10 days.

“We want to play football and have fun, but we have to slow down. It’s more.

“I’m not saying you have to get rid of international teams, or the Champions League, or the Premier League, or all the cups, but we have to find an answer.”

Tottenham manager Nuno Espirito Santo has expressed similar concerns.

“Every time they make a decision, it’s a lot of games, a lot of games,” said the Portuguese. “I don’t know if the players will be able to continue their performance with more games throughout the season.

“It’s my concern and my biggest concern. But I have no idea how good it is in this game.”

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