Microsoft CEO Says Trump’s TikTok Shakedown was Strange

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella has seen us here at the upcoming Design Summit in Bangalore, India in February 2020.
Figure: Majunath Kiran / AFP (Getty Images)

Remember when Donald Trump executives tried to persuade Beijing’s BeteDance to sell TikTok, its most popular program, to a US company? Microsoft’s executive director says, and would like you to remember it as an advertising opportunity instead.

Back in August 2020, Trump’s administration began placing bonds go to TikTok, and ask for emergency power to force ByteDance to sell more prices in the app or it may face block distribution (as via Google Play or Apple’s App Store) across the US in September. The White House justified the case as destructive he thinks I’m a spy sent by a technology company built by an evil communist enemy.

However, it became clear that Trump saw the issue as a distraction from any US company that could get the lively program, claiming that because of the donations they were forced to, Treasure he must receive an inheritance. It also seems unlikely that the President at the time was also angry with the program in favor of TikTok youth who are said to be tickets stored in the thousands at a Trump conference in Tulsa in June 2020 before his appearance. The conference turned to mourners, the initiator of a humiliating re-election campaign for Brad Parscale, who said Attendance 1.2 million had registered. TikTok finally managed to defend himself threatened a ban in the courts and avoid any sales, but before that a number of potential buyers had settled down, including Microsoft, which later lost the opportunity to partner from Oracle and Walmart.

On Monday, Satya Nadella spoke on Code 2021 Conference in Beverly Hills, California, where he said he was disappointed with the deal but defended Microsoft’s idea of ​​getting a TikTok price. According to almost, Nadella called for a de facto hijacking to try “The most amazing thing I’ve ever done.”

Nadella admitted that she was “fascinated by it … and I think everything else is history.” He also said that TikTok is the one that wants to partner with Microsoft and not the other way around.

According to CNBC“First of all, you have to remember, TikTok came to us, we didn’t go to TikTok,” TikTok was among the many things he had on two major topics, and he wanted to get involved. ” But I was impressed. And let’s just say it’s a good place, obviously. ”

This is similar to speaking of those who have been arrested he wants to be redeemed, but OK.

Nadella went on to say that Microsoft was successfully shut down in any alliance with the “especially” Trump administration.

“President Trump, I think he had some idea of ​​what he was trying to do there,” Nadella told the audience. “He is he just left. It was fun. There was a time when I heard that USG had some requirements, and then it just disappeared. ”

Instead, what really happened was that Trump left the railroad, stepped back, and said he’d better stop the program than to continue to push for a partnership. This disrupted Microsoft’s request coma opened the door of Oracle, whose little management is easier with Trump’s colleagues and saw the need to enforce what has become the most popular programs in the country. It may not help Microsoft employees he says Encourage managers to leave the TikTok alliance, with Yammer’s internal audit showing only 18% support. Some employees at Microsoft say that doing so would not be appropriate, while founder Bill Gates said told Wired The alliance could be a “poison cup” and “having Trump kill his only rival, it’s pretty strange.”

Real value Oracle and Walmart in the end the priority did not match the Trump administration first impressions. Oracle has never commented on how this would alleviate the concerns of Trump administration, rather than just being the shakedown of ByteDance’s golden baby.

Then the Trump administration it looks good lose interest in the whole thing, no they are making good on the threat of a ban and extends the deadline for September several times. In the meantime, the US government he suffered list of embarrassing in court which made it clear that if the Department of Commerce actually tried to ban TikTok, it could be replaced by a state judge. Joe Biden after him well killed commercial (technically, permanently stored). That doesn’t mean Oracle either Walmart ended up getting their assets, not Microsoft.

According to CNBC, Nadella also said that Microsoft would be a good friend of TikTok, as it already has some social media apps: “You need to know more about media use, which we know through Xbox Live or LinkedIn.” But he told attendees that he was “happy with what I have.”

On Monday, TikTok won one billion users.

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