Bird Writers Are Hiding Their Years From Us. Then

Blue Lobster in Weymouth, England.
Figure: Finnbarr Webster (Getty Images)

For all those who know, some types of lobster may have been 100 years ago. But these crustacshens is hard to know age-often, people just think about its size, but it is the wrong way to go. Now, a team of researchers from the University of East Anglia has decided to make small changes in Europe The DNA of crabs when animals grow can be used to determine their exact age.

Except a wants to make sure that the crabs are quiet, this amazing thing is also dead, the age of the crabs has a chance to sell. Knowing the small number of fishermen helps fishermen to better understand people’s health. The size of the snail remains difficult for lobster clusters, but each animal can grow differently.

In recent years, scientists have found crustacean years he can stay calculated by counting the ring in them eyes and stomach, as tree scientists do with their citizens, but this method has never been proven for crabs. In addition, it can be used for the dead, making it meaningless in measuring the living. An additional approach was needed.

To that end, astronomers and biologists have teamed up with the United Kingdom’s Center for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science and the National Lobster Hatchery to address a long-standing problem. The result was published last month in Evolutionary Applications.

“Having a comprehensive knowledge of crab years will help fishermen, scientists and environmentalists alike to understand, manage and conserve our endangered species, by working in tandem with destructive fishing practices, such as livestock development,” said study author Carly Daniels, director of manufacturing and development science at the National Lobster Hatchery.

The way the team came up with was based on the ribosomal DNA of European crabs (Homarus gammarus). As crustaceans grow, parts of the DNA strand acquire or lose the methyl group, which binds where cytosine follows the guanine in the genetic code. As other groups of methyl groups were added or removed from the crustacean DNA that was linked to the age of the animal, the team found.

“We have identified the strongest link between age and DNA mutation, which has led us to more accurately predict the age of crabs,” said co-author Martin Taylor, a naturalist at the University of East Anglia, in a university press release. “The use of this method for wild crabs predicted ages that are often the same as younger years depending on size.”

In an email to Gizmodo, Taylor added that the technology “could be applied to other brands”But they may need to make similar comparisons to each species, as the group did with European crabs.

This method is not ideal. As the animals grow, the team type should extras their generations in large part. As a result, even though the descendants of small crabs can be identified within a few months of their actual age, things deteriorate as the animals thrive. Some of the lobsters in the study were more than four years old, but the European crabs could be 70 years old – about the middle of human life – and the American crabs could be 100 years old, as the CBC claims.

Lobsters are not the only marine mammals whose age is not surprising to us. Large white fish, thought to be only 20 years old, can make them at least 70.

More: Do the ‘Stone’ Lobsters feel less when they cook while they’re alive?

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