Apple Warns Motor Vehicle Racing Can Disrupt iPhone Camera Performance

There are mountain bikes where it allows the rider to place his phone. This is a great way for pilots to use apps like Google Maps to find their way around the city, or if it’s a sender taking and delivering orders. However, it seems that these designs can be more dangerous than practical, if you take care of your phone’s camera.

This is because according to a report from Apple Support Page, the company claims that the vibrations caused by a motorcycle during work can cause the iPhone camera to malfunction over time. According to Apple, this is due to technology that supports camera stabilization, such as a gyroscope, for example.

Apple says, “However, as with most consumer electronics such as OIS, the temporary exposure of high-resolution frequencies in a number of operating systems can degrade performance and lead to a decline in image and video processing.”

He adds, “High-speed or high-performance motorcycle-making machines produce high-quality textures, which are transmitted through the chassis and handlebars. We also do not recommend connecting your iPhone to a motorcycle with a high-powered or high-powered electric or high-powered electric motor due to the temporary growth of other brands. ”

So if you are going to ride a motorcycle with an iPhone mount, then you may want to consider this as well. We do not know if this also applies to other types of smartphone, but it may be necessary to consider them for your own safety.

Saved apple >Mobile phones. Read more about iPhone. Source the eagle

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