The ISS is fleeing a landslide after trying Russian weapons to destroy a satellite

Russia shot down one of its Soviet-era satellites while testing weapons on Monday, sending more than 1,500 pieces of traceable waste in space. This forced the astronauts to International Space Station to be a shelter about two hours inside two planes which would send them back to earth in the face of danger. Although the ISS looks good right now, experts say things are still dangerous. Satellite users may need to navigate this new cloud of useless for several or even decades.

Instead, recent experiments on Russian missiles have probably increased the amount of disgusting, combining discarded rocket fragments with satellites on Earth, in large part 10 percent. These shards rotate very fast and at the risk of hitting satellites that reinforce critical technologies, e.g. GPS navigation and weather forecasting. Trash like this is so dangerous that security officials are concerned that it could be used as a weapon. future air warfare. Instead, the State Department has already said that the test of the missiles on Monday is proof that Russia is ready to produce waste that threatens the security of all countries working along the Earth orbit, as well as the dangers that threaten peace in the air.

These threats have only added to the concern that we will not be able to tackle the food crisis, especially the secretive private sector and foreign governments. Thousands of new satellites in orbit – undoubtedly to increase space.

Monday’s event, however, was more politically complex than what you’ve had in the air. The Russian government introduced the so-called antisatellite test (ASAT), which, as the name implies, was designed to destroy satellites in orbit. Based on page several hundred miles north of Moscow, the city struck a An inactive Russian spy satellite The Kosmos-1408 has been orbiting the Earth since 1982. The satellite is now broken into thousands of fragments that are currently orbiting the Earth at a speed of about 17,000 miles[17,000 km]an hour, passing the International Space Station every 90 minutes. Although astronauts no longer need a shelter, the threat of ISS or other satellites has not gone away.

“I am outraged by this carelessness and disturbing the peace,” NASA Director Bill Nelson he said in his own words. “With its long history and well-known history of human flying, it is impossible for Russia to endanger American and international astronomers on the ISS, as well as their cosmonauts.” Nelson added that Russia’s actions were “negligent and dangerous” and also put the threat of Chinese airline Tiangong at risk.

When Russia admitted to destroying the satellite in a recent test, its defense ministry said he insisted on the event did not put the ISS at risk.

Russia is one of them four countries, including India, US, and China, to launch their satellite using an antisatellite tool. This is dangerous because governments with ASAT systems can use technology to attack foreign satellites, turning the area into a military arena. But even as countries look at their own celestial objects, Russia’s nuclear test shows how governments can use satellite launchers to create hazards that endanger every country, company, or person operating in the vicinity. And again, when this waste is made, it can be dangerous for many years. Last week, the ISS had to change its length about a mile away from crashing into space debris from a satellite that China fired in 2007.

The problem of space is only getting worse. At present, there are more than 100 million pieces of garbage larger than a millimeter around the Earth, according to NASA. And since May, the Department of Defense to follow more than 27,000 large pieces of orbital debris, but even small ones can be very dangerous some satellites are space because of the amazing speed at which they travel.

“I don’t think you can go beyond waste risk right now,” Wendy Whitman Cobb, a professor at the US Air Force School of Air and Space Studies, told Recode. “When you make a lot of garbage, the chances of the garbage hitting something and making more garbage just get bigger.”

What makes the weather problem even more difficult is that no one has done anything about it. According to Outer Space Treaty, the basis of international law, states remain the sole proprietor of all shipments in space, so Russia still has all the satellite equipment developed by its missile test on Monday. There is no international consensus on the sanctions imposed creating unnecessary space should be, and researching and describing the debris of various lands is still a challenge.

Government agencies and private companies in the air are creative skills removing debris from the atmosphere, such as those nets can catch debris in orbit and materials which could push satellites into space to destroy them. But there is concern that governments may be using the same tools to overthrow foreign satellites. At the same time, the cost of creating space – and removing it – is rarely considered in the decision to launch a car or satellite in space.

“In many ways, it is the same problem, the environmental problem that we have been fighting around the world in so many ways,” Akhil Rao, Economist in Middlebury who had studied the atmosphere, told Recode. “We have fought against the collapse of the fishery, we have fought against the pollution of the air, [and] we have a fight against ozone depletion. ”

In the meantime, the best way we can do now is to reduce the high levels of hazardous waste by not creating waste in the first place. This can be done through a good international partnership or creating new financial incentives for the private sector, but if it happens soon, it will be better. Although we are often able to move around on existing waste, this becomes even more difficult when waste is accumulating. And if we do not get an answer in time, we may be in a place where the Earth’s surface is so full of debris that it is impossible to enter.

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