The Future of Tech Is Here. Congress Has Not Prepared This

“It is still there Most senators do not use email – if you do not use email how do you understand these other tools? We need people who are running for office who understand these things. “

This was a song by Will Hurd, a former congressman and writer of upcoming events American Reboot: An Idealist Guide For Big Things To Happen, time WIRED almost CES HQ Wednesday. Hurd promoted cybersecurity, privacy, and credible AI issues during his congressional administration from 2015 to 2021. And in an interview with WIRED this week, he emphasized the need for the U.S. government and legislatures and governments across the country to deepen their understanding of Responsibility. technologies such as fiction, misuse of data, and technologies that come as AI are gaining more power over domestic issues and geopolitics.

A year after the January 6, 2021 Capitol terrorist attacks, Hurd claims that the US is no longer prepared for what it was 12 months ago to counter the spread of false information on social media.

“I don’t think we’re ready to stop this kind of violence, and we’re not ready to deal with one if it does,” he told WIRED. “When it comes to Congress to look at and provide information on how these devices should be used, we have not seen much change since then. It is a very violent party.”

Hurd said the planets should continue to develop their environment in their region and establish principles. He discussed the need to establish clear, ethical laws, which are probably in line with the standards of the media and television. And he emphasized the need to address the issue at hand, as it were, in the US.

“These messages as well as false and false and false ones are being pushed and nurtured by the people, so a select few cannot solve this great problem,” he said. “We need to educate people about how these tools should be used and so that we can distinguish between reality and fiction.”

Harm, says Hurd, is the highest in the US and around the world. He also said that enemies like China and Russia are good at using fake weapons against the US people and are adding to the fire of terrorism.

“Our adversaries are taking advantage of some of these cracks in order to eradicate our global identity,” he said.

Obviously, Mr. Hurd added, minor adjustments if necessary would only happen if Congress were able to pass its resolution to pass the delayed legislation. If the US has been slow to respond to social developments that have been going on for more than a decade, it seems that it is not well-prepared to lead to the coming problems, from metaverse to cryptocurrency to AI.

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