Archaeologists think they have found Fossilized Dinosaur DNA. Some Are Not Uncertain

Common dinosaur fossils outside Brazilian research sites.
Figure: CARL DE SOUZA / AFP (Getty Images)

Dinosaur researchers working on highly conserved objects and Jehol Biota northeastern China will soon be located ancient living products in the duck dinosaur from the Early Cretaceous.

Very interesting small finds were found in the femininity of a Caudipteryx, dino-shaped feathers who lived about 125 million years and 113 million years ago. The group placed a trachea between the female under a microscope and contaminated it with a drug called hermatoxylin and eoSin, which is used to target stem cells and cytoplasm in modern cells.

He also darkened the skin of the chicken and found that dinosaur and chicken cartilage are shining the same. The researchers say the nuclei are chromatin, the structure of our chromosomes, it was visible. The group’s research was published last week in the journal Nature Communications Biology.

“Natural records have been proliferating over the years and show that Jehol Biota’s archeology was unique because of the fine ashes that hang the bodies and store them up to cells,” says Li-Zhiheng, author of research at the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology of the Chinese Academy of Science, in a teaching school Press release.

Members of this research team as well to explainEditor acquisition of another type of property last year; as Gizmodo said at the time, other scientists were no exception their skeptics it is said that the remains of the genes were stored in the Hypacrosaurus skull. The history of Caudipteryx in this new work is about 50 million years older than that Hypacrosaurus.

“They were identified using completely different methods than in the Hypacrosaurus,” wrote Alida Bailleul, lead author of the new paper, in an email to Gizmodo. “But what was striking was the hematoxylin staining of the cell nucleus in Caudipteryx—it was comparable to the staining seen in a chicken cell nucleus,” said Bailleul, a paleobiologist at the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology in Beijing.

If this fossil did reveal the same structures that were highlighted in the modern chicken, it’d be a remarkable demonstration of how well biological material can preserve and how mercifully the cartilage was treated by Earth’s often-destructive processes. But not everyone is so convinced about what exactly was showing up in the stains.

“I don’t really see how much has changed here,” said Evan Saitta, a researcher from the Integrative Research Center at the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago. “The change in time we’re interested in here is not between the hypacrosaur and this new specimen; the difference is the amount of time between well-supported DNA preservation and any of these fossils.”

The oldest-yet sequenced DNA was described in this newspaper February and he went forth teeth of approximately 1million-year-old mammoth. All dinosaurs (except birds) disappeared 65 million years ago. This makes the dinosaur’s weapons “much older” than the “impressive” effects from the remaining mammoth land, Saitta said.

So what was the reaction to the paint and the wounds that the group recently used on a dinosaur carrot? According to Saitta, it could be a small insect that infects dinosaur residues or salting in an area that has been abandoned due to genetic damage material. Following are the thoughts of Nic Rawlence, director of the paleogenetics laboratory at the University of Otago in New Zealand.

“The current limit of old DNA is 1.2 million years ago, and we don’t expect to be able to go any further, not to the Dinosaurs Age, “Rawlence said in an email to Gizmodo.” where cells and DNA have replaced salt, so the dinosaur bone has become the modern salt bone. ”

When the bones wither, they do so from the smallest detail to the smallest detail in their structure. This allows professionals to do things like learn about the size of T. rexFor example, holes appear in the bone marrow kale. But genetic material is soon gone—one group has considered that DNA will cease to be counted after 1.5 million years, making the animal tooth look amazing. And the big leftovers were the only reason well preserved for their sake surrounded by glaciers.

“Historically, you deal with different groups here, Jasmina Wiemann, a gynecologist at Yale University, co-starred in the film.

This makes the million-year-old mammoth condition very different from the 125 million-year-old Caudipteryx. Although large teeth underwent diagenesis – a process by which local chemicals are gradually removed by natural substances such as minerals – they have adapted to the Siberian climate, saving biomolecules to this day. (This is why you sometimes read about Ice Age researchers that they can eat what they learn, such as steppe buffalo.)

Green mammoth bones. The oldest DNA sequence is derived from 1.2- teethmillion-year-old mammoth.
Figure: PHILIP FONG / AFP (Getty Images)

“As for the actual DNA molecules, I think it is impossible for them to remain in dinosaur material,” he wrote. Love Dalén, a paleogeneticist at the Center for Palaeogenetics who was pa a large group of teeth, in an email at Gizmodo. “We know from major theories and hypotheses that even in extreme cold, DNA molecules may not exceed 3 million years.”

“Just because different colors or dots are related to a part of the residue does not mean that the actual DNA molecules remain in the residue, ”said Dalén.

In addition, because a bone with fat does not mean that everything once-the creature alternates, tit-for-tat, on any metal or metal object. Every dinosaur is dead in any storage around the world means that certain substances are grouped together, so no old fossils are the same as medicine. This means that the Hypacrosaur bone from Montana will have more fossilization than Caudipteryx in China, making the work of biologists, geochemists, and paleontologists even more challenging.

“It goes through, like, a grinder, but the output looks like a parallel,” Wiemann said. “We need an understanding of how the old system works. I think that’s the whole problem here. ”

The larger DNA could be traced because it was much cooler than it had been before. That is, DNA has not been given the opportunity to interact with surrounding molecules, especially with water, which causes DNA damage, as one co-author of a large paper said Gizmodo.

Aside from the question of what is stored in Caudipteryx, it is important to note that dinosaur DNA cannot work, at least here. The molecules have changed so much that they do not resemble the animals that were part of them. But old biomolecules can survive: dinosaur protein looks like he found on a 200-million-year-old bone, even a research team including Saitta also said one sheet, Rotten dinosaur bones are a happy home for tiny insects, which can look like dinosaurs.

One of the difficulties with a recent paper, several scientists said, was a comparative approach in comparing Caudipteryx with chickenpox. Hematoxylin and eosin can bind to all kinds of organisms, not just living organisms, researchers say, making the results very good. “I think it’s hard to use a stainless steel program that doesn’t describe anything as dead objects that we don’t understand what they represent,” Wiemann said.

The best way to deal with such a misunderstanding is to interpret the results and add, independent cartilage techniques. Such a “type cut” helps to set the muscle tone, says Saitta. Wiemann advised using eyeglasses to scan the entire bone, and to see as things that were defiled can be formed from any type of nucleobases or the DNA-phosphate spinal cord. It’s an “interesting way to do research,” added Wiemann these additional ways can help at home on archived material.

“I strongly believe that if you are going to try to have a longer period of time, you should USE as many methods as you can, AND you should consider and eliminate, and knowledge, any other means, such as invasion of microbes, old or modern,” said Mary. Schweitzer, a sociologist at North Carolina State University and the Museum of the Rockies in Montana, told Gizmodo in an email. Schweitzer co-authored a hypacrosaur paper with Bailleul, who worked for the Schweitzer lab. “For me, my main goal is to get the next information, so anything we can learn about the evolution of the molecules that have been found is very difficult.”

Two old old, 50 million years apart, can have a biomolecular problem for two years. If time is running out, more could come soon, and I hope it will shed some light on this new field of paleontology.

Additional Information: How Do We Know That Birds Are Animals?

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