Russia Threatens Retaliation After YouTube Removes RT Germany

Russian President Vladimir Putin presents flowers to Russian RT radio editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan at the Kremlin in Moscow on May 23, 2019.
Figure: Evgenia Novozhenina / AFP (Getty Images)

Russia’s foreign ministry has threatened to retaliate after YouTube’s video broadcasts suspended two German accounts run by Russian journalists, according to a report from Russia. TASS shopping center. Russia has come to the conclusion that its suspension is a “war of attrition.”

YouTube accounts, RT Germany and Der Fehlende Part, are said to have been removed after spreading false information about the covid-19 epidemic and had a total of about 700,000 subscribers before it was removed.

RT Germany was first suspended for posting new videos for a week after breaking YouTube’s covid-19 false rules, but the account was permanently deleted after RT allegedly sent the same message to another station called Der Fehlende Part, or “The Missing Part,” in English.

“In view of the past, which is in full harmony with the ideology of war in Russia, retaliating against German journalists in Russia is not only necessary, but also necessary, especially considering that [the German media] “Russia’s foreign minister said in a statement. TASS Tuesday.

“Considering that several requests for compliance with international law to protect the rights of the press and freedom of speech have been ignored by the German side, we see these measures as the only way to motivate our colleagues to engage in these positive and important dialogue,” he said.

It’s not clear whether “retaliatory measures” against YouTube would include banning the website in Russia, but the government has made similar threats before—including in 2020 while YouTube posted information on videos uploaded by government-sponsored media.

RT’s editor-in-chief, Margarita Simonyan, not only spoke out against YouTube, but also banned German advertisers from Russia, such as DW TV.

“I sincerely hope that my country will, without delay, ban Deutsche Welle and other German media outlets in Russia, and close down the offices of [German broadcasters] ARD and ZDF. I just keep quiet about the sanctions against YouTube itself. Although we have to do this, out of self-respect, “Simonyan told the Telegraph, according to Russia’s English translation. Fish shopping center.

While YouTube’s Alphabet claims to have banned two Russian accounts of the covid-19 scandal, an English-language RT video confirmed YouTube’s rules not to answer recent questions Consequences of elections in Germany Tuesday.

Misconceptions about elections are another topic that YouTube has struggled to address in recent years, especially in the US after former President Donald Trump took office. Russian President Vladimir Putin is embarrassed he wants Trump to win in 2016 by US RT it was full of pro-Trump lies to elect him.

Anything that could be the real reason for banning YouTube from RT Germany, Russia does not believe that what YouTube does is a matter of corporate governance, but a place of war in the Cold War.

“The intent of the atrocities against the actions of Russian journalists is clear: to close the gap between the information that goes beyond what German journalists consider to be good,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

YouTube did not immediately respond to a request for comment early Wednesday but Gizmodo will change this if we hear about it.

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