Denis Villeneuve Arrival Art Book Tanya Lapointe First

Seed cover of Art and Science of Arrival.
Figure: Books of Titan

Before going to Arrakis to speak story of Dulu, and before taking one of the most popular sci-fi traditions with Blade Runner 2049, Denis Villeneuve told a different kind of story that was exactly the same in his mind but far from it very loving in his story: 2016’s Arrive. Its impressive design includes space ships, amazing creations, and unique language – all topics to be explored and forthcoming releases Art and Science of Arrival which io9 just starts today.

Arrive, Amy Adams, Jeremy Renner, and Forest Whitaker, portray the life of of speech who need to know how to communicate peacefully with strangers who have unexpectedly arrived on Earth – where almost everyone is, obviously, ready for violence. Author of Art and Science of Arrival, Tanya Lapointe, is also the producer who worked with Villeneuve on Arriving, Blade Runner 2049, that’s what’s coming Dulu. He also wrote the books Art and Life of Blade Runner 2049 and Dune’s Art and Life. That’s why if you are Arrive lover or lover of making science fiction, this book will be at your home at your coffee table. Here is the full announcement, available on io9 only, cover photo, and a few pages within the next issue of February 1, 2022.

Figure: Books of Titan

“Titan Books is excited to announce the arrival of Art and Science of Arrival, the intriguing story of one of the 21st century science fiction films.

With the first accounts and intellectual dialogue with key members of the professional and scientific community tasked with bringing video to the world of cinema, the book also includes introductory remarks by fictional writer Ted Chiang, as well as the only excerpts nominated for the Academy Award Denis Villeneuve.

Since its release by Paramount Pictures in the U.S. in 2016, Denis Villeneuve’s Arrival has embedded itself firmly in the minds of moviegoers around the world. The film, which was grounded in a certain level of plausible science, has also generated conversation within academia and has been studied in film, philosophy, and linguistic classes.

The Art and Science of Arrival revisits the film and its legacy with the production’s key team members. This lavish hardback volume recounts the genesis of this modern classic, from Ted Chiang’s short story The Story of Your Life to its premiere in Venice and its subsequent eight Academy Award nominations. It explores the film’s concept of non-linear time, and showcases the remarkable concept art that brought the aliens, their ships and their startling logogram language to life.

Written by author and producer Tanya Lapointe, The Art and Science of Arrival is set to publish as a stunning hardback on February 1, 2022, priced at $50 and £35.”

Image: Titan Books

Image: Titan Books

Image: Titan Books

Image: Titan Books

The Art and Science of Arrival will be out on February 22.

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