Melania Fires Back In True Trump Fashion At Former Aide’s Tell-All Book

Former White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham, notorious for having frequent printing meetings, now speaking – very much – in a new comprehensive book, “I’ll Take Your Questions Now: What I Saw in the Trump House Administration.”

A preview of the Politico police presenting the book is an attempt to describe the old woman as an ignorant person.

However, Melania ran in a way that only Trump knows.

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A Few Of The Vegetable Notes

Like other former employees of Trump’s time, it seems that Stephanie Grisham claims to be Faithful of Trump, but it seems to have evaporated. Strange for those who have turned to Trump, is that Grisham has been with Team Trump since 2015.

The so-called “intriguing” story is that on the afternoon of January 6, when the oppressors entered the Capitol’s house, the immediate Chief-Staff to Lady Grisham texted Melania, asking her if she would like Grisham to send, “peaceful demonstrations and freedoms. They’re making everyone in America, but there’s no reason to break the law and violence? ”

Grisham says that minutes later, Melania simply replied “no.”

Grisham adds that the White House was preparing to paint a picture of a rug that the First Lady had just taken. The implication is that what the First Lady wanted was what went wrong.

Several times after the election, Grisham asked Trump if he could arrange a meeting with First Lady Jill Biden, a First Ladies ceremony in the event of a radical change. He also described Melania’s actions and said “she should see what West Wing does.”

Grisham’s view was that Melania sided with her husband in the belief that the election was fraudulent.

Whether the whole book will be a good one, or whether Politico just chooses to publish a lot of opposition to Trump remains to be seen.

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Melania Answers

As might be expected, Melania Trump’s response shows that she learned from the winners.

A statement from his office said:

“The purpose of this book is clear. Trying to redeem himself has done well as a journalist, failed relationships, and poor performance in the White House. Through infidelity and infidelity, she tries to get help and support Ms. Trump. ”

There is speculation that “failed relationships” refers to Grisham’s relationship with former Trump aide Max Miller. According to a Politico report from July, several sources said the relationship ended when Miller allegedly pushed Grisham to the wall and slapped him after accusing him of cheating on Miller.

Miller denied this.

Like any woman and woman, Melania Trump is a threat She protected her husband and their son Barron in the past.

He described 15-year-old Barron as “courageous, passionate.” He added, “She is independent and does everything and knows what she wants.”

Politico added that “the source” says Grisham, “… has Trump’s secrets that even the first lady doesn’t know. Secrets she doesn’t want him to know. She’ll be in this book.”

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