Biden State Dept. Chief Blinken Faces Calls To Resign In Congressional Grilling Session

Secretary of State Antony Blinken was He was endorsed by at least three Congressmen on the Foreign Affairs Committee to step down on Monday as he witnessed the collapse of the US military in Afghanistan last month.

The expulsion left many Americans stranded, as well as terrorists who killed 13 American members.

The Republicans on the committee did not back down because they fired Blinken, who has also been summoned to resign and falsely accused.

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Just to start

Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) blamed Blinken and Biden’s superiors for allowing the Taliban to take over the country “and turn it into a deadly terrorist shelter.”

Wilson was outraged, saying America was in greater danger of being attacked than ever before.

“In American history, American families have never been more at risk of domestic violence than they are today. The global war on terrorism has not ended, it has been relocated from abroad to American homes. As a grateful father of the former Afghan army, in particular I see what you have done is impossible. ”

Wilson added, “Your mysterious departure of Bagram Airfield has led to the transfer of 13 Marines killed in Kabul. You must resign.”

Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) also recruited Blinken for the crisis in Afghanistan and urged him to step down.

“We have supervisors who do not know how to fight the enemy, understand that they do not respect weakness, they only respect power. And it is very sad, as a result, and I believe that you, sir, should resign. That would be leadership. ”

Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN) also urged Blinken to step down.

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Take the Heat

Antony Blinken’s difficult week is not over yet.

Today, he met the second day of inquiring, from the Senate Relations Committee, proving that he would not be swayed by the Democrat’s anger over the reinstatement.

Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) was also inconsistent with other senior officials, such as Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin for refusing to testify freely. He threatened to bring down those who did not come to the committee.

Menendez sold Sec. Blinken, “Mr. Secretary, the assassination of the US departure was dangerous and dangerous.”

Blinken praised Joe Biden for ending the war in Afghanistan as “just,” and “miraculously deporting people.” He added that there are about 100 U.S. citizens and thousands of green card holders in Afghanistan.

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If All else Fails, Blame The Trumpet

Section. Blinken tried to criticize the Trump administration, saying to the committee, “We received a deadline. We did not take any inheritance.”

Blinken also claimed that Biden had ignored intelligence reports, saying what happened in Afghanistan was “no one had predicted.” This has been controversial. Weeks before the fall of Afghanistan, CIA reports began to warn of the realities an event that took place.

Whether the Democrat-led Congress will really answer Blinken will still answer.

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