Apple Says It Is Testing 3,000 DPI Shows VR Headsets

The change alone does not mean how sharp the show is. For example, a 1-inch display with 640 × 480 looks surprisingly sharp compared to an 8-inch display with the same concept. This difference is also reflected in the focus of the show, such as the wearing of VR or AR headphones.

This is why companies are working to reduce the volume of their VR headsets and according to a report from Elec Council, Apple seems to be testing its demo rumors VR sensor in the ear This would result in a pixel density of 3,000 pixels PPI. Obviously to achieve this, Apple must continue to use it YOU ARE which appears to be around 600 PPI.

Instead, Apple is said to have asked for a good helmet from APS Holdings with a pixel of 3,000 PPI to be used on real equipment. Now, that doesn’t mean Apple’s VR head is a guaranteed 3,000 DPI, but Apple wants to test the technology to see if it can be used in production before doing anything from there.

There are currently no word on Apple’s title / Apple rumors. Many think it could happen in the next few years, and a recent report could include Apple CEO Tim Cook the last major part of the sale before leaving the company.

Saved apple >Electrical equipment >Rumor. Read more about Reality (VR) and Costume Design. Source 9to5mac

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