Companies Attached To China Billion Runaway With $ 539 Million SEC Settlement

Guo Wengui, a billionaire Chinese refugee, sees here delivering a press conference in November 2018 in New York.
Figure: Don Emmert / AFP (Getty Images)

The Securities and Exchange Commission has punished companies that are under arrest Guo Wengui, a Chinese billionaire refugee who fled the country in 2014 and has since strengthened himself with a well-known wing on the right humanity in the US, for more than half a billion dollars.

Mu Press release, SEC has announced that it has taken over came to a standstill and three media companies based in Guo – GTV Media Group Inc., Saraca Media Group Inc., and Voice of Guo Media Inc.- for $ 539 million for allegedly providing “illegal GTV media coverage” and violating money- security laws and soliciting funds for more than 5,000 people. The SEC also criticized GTV and Saraca for promoting some illegal non-profit offerings for “digital-type security called G-Coins or G-Dollars.” According to the SEC, even though these companies promote an online program where both funds can be used for trading, promising “significant returns,” no one has ever bothered to expand them. Officials also said the companies had not said anything to the SEC or the public.

The total cost of the experiment was met, the SEC wrote, and it reached approximately $ 487 million. In June 2020, it is said that in its inception, Saraca transferred $ 100 million of shares to the hedge fund which set aside $ 30 million in financial terms; The fund has lost $ 29.2 million in betting.

According to Wall Street Journal, after some of the vendors believed that the three companies were fraudulent, Guo’s watchdog group began gathering outside the protesters’ homes:

GTV’s funding split the Chinese population in the US, while many others joined the movement later growing up is certain to have been stolen. After some of these individuals began contacting the SEC and the police, Guo repeatedly harassed them online, calling them Chinese Communist Party proxies. Mr. Guo then started coming to the homes of those who had insulted them.

While the three companies do not admit the wrongdoing, according to the Journal, the amount of money is one of the biggest things the SEC security has done during this financial year (the last in September). The SEC publication is not private name Guo.

Thousands of advertisers bought shares of GTV, G-Coins, and G-Dollars based on interviews from respondents “-” Richard R. Best, director of the New York Regional Office of the SEC, has said.

Guo is in the middle of the network newsrooms, like GTV, which promotes him and his ideas-including false claims for corona virus has not been detected in humans before, which he believes the Communist Party of China (CPC) deliberately produced as weapons, as well as other ideologies related to the Chinese government’s conspiracy.

Guo tried to hide his true responsibilities at a embarrassing page for media that sometimes he is only known as a defendant because he has spoken in public. The donations also cover the economic downturn in promotions. For example, The Wall Street Journal which has already been said that money sellers on GTV were told to send money to Voice of Guo Media, which would deposit their money in GTV instead.

Since moving to the US it has been a major broadcaster following members Chinese living abroad and tropical the best right-handed US. (When Bannon was arrested in August 2020 because of his role in GoFundMe, a supporter of Trump’s campaigners and the fraudulent “Build the Wall”, boarded Guo’s boat. he seems to have set up a section with the money he earns from the Guo family.

When GETTR was originally used as a repository against the CPC and its advertisements were emblazoned with GTV corporate logos, in late June, Guo announced that the websites had been downloaded on existing content by users, according to Politico. A few days later, it started again as if freedom of speech to Trump’s aides. It was instantaneous they are being attacked by invaders, and has become increasingly popular recently after its long decline led to flooding and hentai, pro-Islamic State lies, and child abuse issues. According to The second, new user registrations were delayed in late August, with many well-known GETTR accounts such as former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo having the following numbers. With only 55,000 GETTR users 1.5 million submissions more than 10 times, Vice wrote, and most of them were spambots.

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