Cam Newton explains why he was cut off by relatives: Mac Jones ‘wouldn’t have been tied up’

Over a week cut off by the Relatives, Cam Newton talks about his share from New England.

In a video, “My Side of the Story,” on his YouTube channel, Newton told his father, Cecil Newton Sr., that even if he were willing to keep Mac Jones, he would consider QB “unpleasant” with Newton as a backup.

“The reason he interpreted me was that, in a way, I was a distraction,” Newton said. “It’s just my Aura. And it’s just – and I told you this camera – that’s my gift and my curse. When you bring Cam Newton to your place, when you bring Cam Newton to your residence, people are just amazed at who he is.

“Let me tell you the truth. If he asked me, would I be able to play backwards, he would say, ‘Cam, we’re giving you a Mac team. You’ll be second in line. We’re hoping to have everything and someone to guide him throughout his career.’ I would say, ‘Absolutely.’ “

My Side Of The Story |  FÜNKY FRIDÂ¥ With Cam Newton

MORE: Four Reasons Why Family Cuts Cut Cam Newton shouldn’t surprise anyone

Following the final game of the preseason, New England decided to cut the old MVP and named him Jones, the 15th general pick in the 2021 NFL Draft, the starter. Director Bill Belichick could not comment on these reasons a wonderful release other than to say, “We make decisions and then we do them and move on, and get rid of them.”

Newton said in the video he believes his relatives have a rocket that could win here, and because of that, it would be confusing if Jones did not win right away and Newton was keeping him.

Responding to recent reports says Jones was helping Newton study the book, Newton said all the quarterbacks were cooperating and Jones, Newton and Brian Hoyer played in each game and asked what everyone saw in each game.

Newton admitted suffering last year – completing 65.8% of his travels in 2,657 yards and going down seven times – but realized he only had five weeks to study the Play Patriots book before work, when he said Jones had five months to finish everything since it was written.

“Five weeks compared to five months, I’m still learning the season and if you can compare the five months difference, we arrived in December. To achieve a longer period of time,” Newton said.

Newton explained that his release was not related to his vaccination either his trip to Atlanta. Upon his return he was required to stay five days away from the site for non-compliance with NFV-NFLPA COVID regulations.

“Do I think this would have happened if I hadn’t stayed away from the group for five days? Honestly yes. It would have happened,” Newton said. “Did it help reduce the election? Yes.”

The trip to Atlanta had to be re-tested by a doctor who “found me,” Newton said, and it was approved by the team. He also said that he searched all the boxes and that he was in charge of everything with the team, but later realized that he had broken the rules. If he knew it would force him to stay for five days, Newton said he would not end the trip.

“This trip was important because this was the last time I would hear that I would have a chance to get another idea,” Newton said. Not to mention that the staff and the Gentiles were not united to tell me everything I needed to know, but having four eyes is better than having two eyes on my mind. “

Newton was adamant that he would not retire and that even the film – which was filmed at his high school at Westlake High School in Atlanta – was “giving me a break, isn’t it.” Although he enjoys spending time with his family and children in September, he thinks he has “a lot of football in me left.” As for where Newton will end up next, which still appears.

“Listen and take away all doubt. I’ve said it once and for all: there are no 32 guys out there who are better than me,” Newton said. “And out of them 32, when I’m given the opportunity to show what I can do, it’ll be what it will be.”

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