LA Times Uses Misleading Photo of Larry Elder to Make it Appear He is Slapping a Woman in Story About Assault on Him by White Liberal in Gorilla Mask

TV is the enemy of the people.

Elected to be Republican Larry Elder was overthrown by Jewish violent freedom wearing a gorilla hat this week.

A racist woman wearing a gorilla mask threw an egg at Larry Elder and beat his staff.

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The Los Angeles Times initially protested this by stating that Larry Elder had ‘cut off his residence in Venice after being brutally received.’

After reducing prejudice, the paper posted a misleading picture to show if Larry Elder was beating a woman.

Here is a picture the LA Times posted in their article about the attack on Larry Elder:

The woman in the photo called the Los Angeles Times but Twitter put her tweet in “could have bad stuff” so no one could see her.

The Los Angeles Times also described Larry Elder as “a black-and-white face”

Nothing has come too low for these media scumbags.

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