Komodo Dragons Are Nearing End

Komodo Dragon recorded in 2010.
Figure: ROMEO GACAD / AFP (Getty Images)

The International Union for the Conservation of Nature said has changed the position of the Komodo dragon to its destruction, stressful development to the world’s largest lizard. The dragon is the most recent animal threatened by a rapidly changing world.

The biggest problem facing Komodo bears are on the high seas, as lizards are known to live on a number of Indonesian islands, which is clearly Komodo, and the habitat of the islands is declining. High water levels are expected to decrease 30% range Over 45 years, according to IUCN comment discussing new developments.

The 2021-2022 The IUCN Red List tested more than 138,000 species and found about 40,000 to be threatened in some way. Sad, 8,400 species were identified as at high risk, and about 15,000 were identified as endangered or at risk. To put these numbers into perspective, there are 10,000 species most threatened in this report than a 2019 IUCN List. The backbone of the Komodo dragon runs the old lizard – a meat known to be large, toxic bite, smell, with strong desire – a very close to the end.

Even bears are probably the most well-known The recently modified species are not the only ones that we need to take care of. 37% size of shark and ray species now they are threatened with extinction. All of these animals have been fed, and about one-third of them are also affected by habitat damage and about 10% are affected by climate change.

The good news is, four tuna species are doing better than in the previous ten species years, moving towards the end of the end of time to be “don’t worry ” among others.

“This Red List study is evidence that reliable fish are approaching work, with short-term benefits to biodiversity and ecosystems. We need to continue to increase the number of people fishing and smuggling illegal fish, “said Bruce Collette, chairman of the IUCN tuna research team, words of the IUCN.

Komodo chickens are chasing chickens.
Figure: Bay ISMOYO / AFP (Getty Images)

But you won’t appreciate it-sandwich referendum to end. All marine and terrestrial life is filled with human activity. These The change of storage is the first Komodo Animals received since its inception as an unsafe race in 1996. This selection is based on research published last year in Ecology and Evolution, which warned of climate change for islanders.

“The idea that the ancient species are on the verge of extinction is due to, among other things, climate change, and another call for the environment to be at the heart of all elections at the end of COP26 in Glasgow,” said Andrew Terry, environmental manager at the Zoological Society of London in London. Release of IUCN, referring to the next United Nations climate change conference in Scotland.

The oldest of its kind Varanus-Where the dragon is 40 million years ago. Even the dangers posed by animals are far worse to be seen than anything else hungry bear, and it is real. And as with any environmental issue, it is necessary to take action to prevent another tragedy from playing out.

Details: All Species Declared to End Over the Years

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