Google Chat is gradually transforming Hangouts into a way of communicating at work and in person. Available on mobile and computer. Like other Google apps, Chat gives you the option to use a black header to reduce eye strain and save battery on your device. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to support the dark features in Google Chat on desktop, internet, Android, and iOS.
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Support Blacklist in Google Chat
The Google Chat mobile app has been black for some time. In addition, Google is now supporting the dark version of Google Chat on the Internet with the Progressive Web app, claiming that it allows people to see better in lower dimensions and that can reduce eye strain. To unlock, follow the steps below.
On the Google Chat Web
- Open it Google Chat page in your browser.
- Click the gear icon on the right hand side to open it Causes.
- Check out the bottom of the Chat settings page.
- Choose The Black Way in Discussion Topics.
On the Computer (Progressive Web App)
Google Chat also offers an online application that can be installed in Chrome or Chromium browsers. Below is how you can support the black topic there.
- Open the Google Chat app on your PC.
- Click on Causes in the right-hand corner.
- Under the Title icon, select The Black Way.
On the Google Chat Android App
- Open the Google Chat app on your Android phone.
- Click the hamburger menu on the left hand side.
- Choose Causes i need Head.
- Unless, of course, it will be ‘Established by Battery Saver.’
- Change Darkness.
If you are using Google Chat in Gmail, you should change the theme at the Gmail app’s preference.
On the Google Chat iOS App
Google Chat tracks the theme on the iPhone and iPad. You can simply turn on or off the dark features on your phone switch to get a black theme in Google Chat. However, this change applies to all apps not just Google Chat.
To see the dark interface in iOS, go to Causes > Show & Light and choice Darkness. You can also enable or disable dark features from the control panel. When done, all apps, including Google Chat, are transformed into a black theme.
Covering Heaven
This was a quick guide to support the dark interface in Google Chat, whether on the phone or computer. I hope you can use the black theme in the Chat app easily. Stay tuned for more tips, tricks, and how to do it.
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