How to Transform Your Old Computer into a Media Streamer

Your old age a laptop or desktop computer is slow to crawl for day-to-day operations, yoyou do not have to reschedule or transfer it to someone else. Your old machine is running out turn around in your retirement search tool, simple because it provides videos, music, photos, and all other electrical appliances you have in your home. This is how it happens.

Select Your Apps

Plex is one of the best tools for the job.
Drawing picture: Plex

Perhaps the best tool for the job is Plex. It is easy to use, all beginners are free, and works on almost all devices. In addition to the media functionality we will discuss here, Plex also includes options for watching TV, watching free movies, and playing retro games.

It is small and straight, and most workmanship comes free of charge. There is a Plex Pass premium tier, which reimburses you $ 5 per month or $ 40 per year and gives you extras such as offline synchronization with your phones, multiple sharing features, additional bandwidth usage preferences, and a few other useful ones off bonus.

There are two components to Plex: You need the server software on your old computer, which does the job of cataloging your media files and getting ready to serve them up over your home wifi. Then there are the apps you use on your other computers, your phones, your tablets, your set-top boxes and so on, which find the server you’ve set up and stream across whatever content you request.

And it’s not just computers that can be media servers for Plex. You can also use a Running NAS if you want — which is useful, because it was already installed in your router — and the most popular drives have created Plex server applications available. One Nvidia Shield TV Types can also function as Plex servers.

THere are a few Plex techniques like Plex that you can try. The most widely used is a very open and flexible source Code, which offers the same functionality as Plex. There are also a few media tools built into Windows and MacOS that you can watch, right VLC Media Player it also offers other easy ways to promote the network.

How to Set Up Plex

Plex guides you on creating a server.
Drawing picture: Plex

Once you decide that you really want to turn your old computer into a media player and choose Plex as the best option, you need to download the Windows or MacOS server software. Head to Plex page, dinani Enter to create a free account, then follow the steps to download desktop software (you can also get a media download Pano).

Most Plex media servers take place within the browser page: From here you can customize your various media videos, modify the main Plex software and much more. Once you start the app, you should see the Plex icon at the bottom of the notification area (on Windows) or at the top of the options (on macOS).

Now is the time to make sure that movies, music, and photos on your old computer are organized. You do not need to have everything stored properly in folders for Plex to use it, but it does help you and Plex to know what it is. How you arrange everything it’s up to you, as long as you have a clear plan.

When installing the server application, you will be asked to name the server (so you can identify later). You will also see a box labeled Let me be able to use my media outside my home, which needs to be checked if you want to find out your audio files and videos from anywhere other than the home wifi network (it just means Plex has changed a bit on your network to make this happen).

The next step is to set up your library, the files you want Plex to be able to use on your other devices. You can add a few folders to the list here, and all of the content is made into your own library – all files found in videos, audio, and photos are supported, even if you encounter problems with Plex identification files, see outside of supporting documentation.

How to Change Your Other Tools

Your media files will appear selected and sorted on the devices you connect.
Drawing picture: Android

With your media server running, all of you you have to do and install Plex on your other devices. Remember that the old computer that you have converted to a server must always be connected and connected to the Internet, otherwise you cannot see the media puts it there.

Plex apps are available everywhere platform, from Android for Apple TV. If you have a cover device, then there is a Plex app for it. You can move your entertainment files to playback games, smart TVs, and (in the case of audio) smart speakers. If you are migrating to a laptop or computer, you just need to open the Plex interface in your browser and log in.

Once you log into Plex on any device you download, you should see a server that you have already set up. Plex will cOrganize and prepare the media you have added – keep in mind that it may take some time for the library to be built in the first place, and for new ones to be added in the future.

Like any search engine, Plex keeps track of what you watch and listen to, so you can go where you left off (even if it is on another device). Curtains on media files allow you to edit any incorrect metadata, and in some cases you will have the opportunity to download files and move them (on mobile devices, this requires a Plex Pass).

Search for Plex changes on your devices, and you’ll find options for managing motion, changing notifications, syncing TV files between devices, and much more. There are many useful features and extras hidden inside, such as feasibility watch movies in real time and other people in other places.

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