Australia Sees Bigger Jumps in Hidden Epidemic cases

People walk their dogs in Melbourne, Australia on September 30, 2021.
Figure: William West / AFP (Getty Images)

Australia released 2,417 new covid-19 cases on Thursday, the highest number in the country on any given day of the epidemic. Most of the cases were in Victoria’s second-largest state, with 1,438 new cases, though the worst since August 5.

Australia, which has been successful during the epidemic, has suffered in recent months from vaccinations and has often inefficient leadership. A nation of 25 million people has seen fewer than 105,131 cases of covid-19 and 1,290 people since the outbreak, but this could change dramatically if Australia did not get vaccinated.

As soon as June, bus 3% of Australians received the full vaccination. Today, only 54.2% of Australians aged 16 or over have received a full vaccination, according to the Australian Department of Health, while 77.8% have received at least one vaccine.

The increase in covid-19 cases on Thursday is directly linked to last week’s big game, the AFL Grand Final, almost identical to the Australian Super Bowl, unless Australian rules regulate football and not American football. But those who took part in the rally are not to blame, for it took place in Western Australia, a state that has not had a major covid-19 crisis since 2020. Instead, victims are blaming victims Victorian rallies at parties over the weekend.

Health officials in Victoria say about a third of 1,438 state cases on Thursday are from people who gather in families over the weekend. And this is not just a fantasy. Australian research teams are still working to address any issues, and provide reliable information on people who are infected.

“If you decided to go to a Grand Final party on Saturday, if you went to a barbecue on Friday, I’d like you to go and get tested. Because you don’t know whether someone there was harboring the virus,” Victoria’s top covid-19 official, Jeroen Weimar, said at a press conference on Thursday.

The Australian outbreak has been spearheaded by local governments after the federal government, led by self-proclaimed Prime Minister Scott Morrison, adopted a 2020 response to the epidemic. various methods.

Victoria, home to Melbourne’s second-largest city, has demonstrated one of the most antidote to covid-19, setting up strong barriers that mean citizens can just leave their homes for a few reasons, including exercise, buy food, and go to hospital for care. The Victorian crisis after the covid-19 cases appeared to seem to be helping to eradicate the disease until the Delta of covid-19 appeared and the closure only prevented the cases from being hospitalized, not removing covid-19 completely.

The Victoria region often hosts the AFL Grand Final event but has moved to Perth, Western Australia for a free event. Australia has six provinces and two provinces, but the two largest regions, New South Wales and Victoria, are the only areas with an uncontrolled covid-19 explosion. Some states and territories have closed their borders to New South Wales and Victoria, allowing people to come from the area without special opportunities and proof of vaccination.

Surprisingly, Victoria also reduced her risk Wednesday after striking out a vaccine by 80% or citizens eligible for a single dose. Restricting “release” means that boat, tennis, and golf are now legal and free for people to travel 15 km away from home to buy food, from 10 kilometers.

Australians are promised the end of the world in many countries by the time of Christmas, but it is still unknown where they come from in countries with no deficiencies. Whatever the outcome, many Australians are tired of it all, like the rest of the world. We are all prepared to migrate from the epidemic, but the epidemic does not seem ready to migrate from us without much vaccination. And anti-vax protests in every country keep the dream of death always on the horizon. Good job, anti-vax protests.

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