When he wants to start being Baron Vladimir Harkonnen in A Denis Villeneuve Dulu change, Stellan Skarsgård’s words from a video festival last year have been making a comeback and reminding us of some of the biggest issues in terms of finance and the film industry.
Every week or so, Twitter filmmakers (and perhaps other media outlets) whip themselves to admire their favorite editors old movies Movies known as “worthy” movies in terms of Hollywood’s modern popularity leading clearance. Even a small amount of it comes from the vicious acts of aggression followed by a return to hype for Great Big Release, is always a fascinating reminder of how those who claim to love a movie are always angry with it. For those with the idea that studios like Marvel and Warner Bros. “destroying” the film industry by flooding it with stories published in comic books, editors like Martin Scorsese, Francis Ford Coppola, and David Cronenberg have had the courage to fight off their all-encompassing machinery and criticism of the studios.
But what is missing from the rush to celebrate the venue – especially in response to the Scorsese take – is the fact that most of the movies we discuss and think are made in the studio, which businesses who focus more on production money. The point is something Stellan Skarsgård tried to drive home in an interview with the Götenberg Film Festival last year when he shared his thoughts in response to a piece of Scorsese at New York Times newspaper which says Marvel videothey are not skilled. Skarsgård’s comments have been circulating online recently since their director Dulu, Villeneuve, sued Marvel which turns the audience into “Zombies.” But what he said at the time is still worth considering in the main mind, of all companies. The real problem, Skarsgård thinks, is not really Marvel, or a beginner like Netflix, but “the mistake is that for many years we have believed that the market should improve everything. And the rich get richer, and that’s the root of it all.”
Skarsgård’s point was that while it is easy to choose studios like Marvel, one of the main reasons why it can take up more room with air is how money and power are linked to a group in a number of categories. In Skarsgård’s mind, various marketing and video companies have lost The only directors in Hollywood, but the real damage to the industry hait comes as a result of a new leadership that puts value first in the arts. “They are run by big corporations that want to give back 10% of their pay, which means that as long as they sell popcorn, it’s fine,” Skarsgård said. “That’s why all the intermediate movies, less than $ 100 million movies, and $ 3 million, don’t exist. With only $ 100 million movies and $ 3 million, and nothing more. ”
In terms of profitability, Skarsgård said, is one of the reasons we have seen progress in special startup programs from the studio in the last few years, but he also said that the same will achieve popularity as many studios are a bit more competitive. Obviously, there are many more various television and promotional activities imitating the types of projects that are becoming green compared to the movies. But the actor pointed to HBO, which has AT&T, as an example of a studio that puts the economy first. “[W]The hat will happen in the end and the differences will be gone, “said Skarsgård. that a lot of money. ”
We should not have strict and fast rules when it comes to the amount of money a movie or video player has to make in order to be considered “good,” similar to how we should not throw ourselves into thinking that only a few jobs superpeople can release in a given year. It is true that studios tend to make things because they like to make dangerous money in the box, but that’s the last thing Skarsgård wants everyone to remember.
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“[I]It’s not Marvel’s fault, “Skarsgård said. [and it] has caused this.”
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