Winners of the 2021 Ig Nobel Prize Combine Nose Cleaner and Modified Rhinos

A black rhinoceros in the middle of the carry.
Figure: Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine

With the prizes offered for research on cats, germs on gum, and for the beard of a human beard, the recent experiments on Ig Nobel prizes are as humorous as ever.

It’s an exciting time of the year when we start laughing pa and celebration the most difficult part of science. The 2021 Ig Nobel Prize was given yesterday, and, as was the case last year, the ceremony was supposed to take place on the Internet due to covid-19. This was a 31-run race, supported by the Annals of Improbable Research magazine.

Between ten winner ia team led by Olcay Cem Bulut from University Hospital Heidelberg in Germany. Aw research showed that nasal breathing “changed dramatically after sexual intercourse and orgasm,” the same as taking drugss, and sinus-c Cleaning can go on one hour. Sounds like a good study that you have been tested-Talking names of men and feeling pain.

A team from the Max Planck Institute won the Ig Nobel chemistry, how they tested air inside the theater to see if the perfumes produced by the audience can “accurately reflect the prevalence of violence, sex, social unrest, drug use, and profanity in the film that viewers watch,” as outlined by the Annals of Improbable Research. . Pavlo Blavatskyy of the University of Montpellier in France he found-If it is the right word – that obesity among Soviet-backed politicians will be more closely linked to corruption in their countries, earning Ig Nobel a financial offer.

The ecology award went to Leila Satari and colleagues at the University of Valencia. He learned bacteria that only grow and grow chewing gum, as well how the “chewing gum bacteriome” changes over time, as the researchers wrote in their study, published in Science Reports. The team studied stone-throwing grenades around the world, and found that several bacteria would be released within a few weeks. and may last for more than three months. The researchers wrote: “Our findings affect a number of therapies, including legal, infectious, or detoxification of gum residues.”

Research on “whining, crying, crying, twisting, whining, whining, groaning, moaning, crying, screaming, crying, crying, and other ways of communicating with people” made a scientist Lund University student Susanne Schötz receives Ig Nobel biology award. His work covers five papers written from 2011 to 2016 (Pano and Pano, For example), and it also includes views of cats Donna, Rocky, and Turbo. Among other findings, this study shows that the whining combined with the meow is the most common cat pattern and that cats also sound differently depending on the subject, such as looking at birds through a window or cutting food.

Men change their beards to protect themselves punch in the face, according to in a paper written by Ethan Beseris of the University of Utah. Of these wonderful beliefs, the group received the Ig Nobel Peace Prize. No one was beaten during the investigation; instead, the weights were thrown on a bone-like fiber of epoxy coated with sheepskin (with wool attached to other tests). As the researchers put it into their research:

[The] The results of this study show that hair has the ability to reduce the energy produced by abstinence and energy absorption, thereby reducing failure. If this is the case with the hair on a person’s face, having a full beard helps to protect the vulnerable areas of the facial bones from destructive forces, such as the jaw. Probably all beards also reduce injuries, eruptions, and disturbances, on the skin and eye muscles.

The Ig Nobel Prize to carry went to Cornell University Robin Radcliffe and his colleagues, who found them monitoring several methods of transporting black rhinos are on the verge of extinction. Rhinos are threatened by poachers, and they need to be relocated to prevent further damage. The best way to lift the crows down is to use a helicopter to lift them up with their feet, causing them to hang upside down. Radcliffe and his team were worried that the rhinos would be able to breathe and heart disease would turn, so he studied 12 rhinos, both straight and upside down, to test the theory. Exit does not make any difference, and that it is better to carry it down, upside down rhinos.

Alessandro Corbetta and his colleagues at Eindhoven University of Technology have won a physics award doing experiments to “find out why pedestrians don’t always collide with each other,” according to Ig Nobel’s organizers. The entomology award went to the US N teamencourage researchers to explore the best way to deal with cockroaches on ships. These learning started in 1971, then it was not long before I won the Ig Nobel.

Congratulations to all the “winners.” Be sure to check out the Ig Nobel Prize from 2020, 2019, and 2018.

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