This was the year the money was raised

None of this would be necessary if everything were still available on social networking sites. Only the last few years have seen the explosion of zero-commission trading programs that allow…

The African Voice Must Lead a Global Conversation

The next fall, a Africa, especially Egypt, will host COP27-27th UN Climate Change Conference. This comes after two other reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which will…

What Happens When AI Knows How You Feel?

In May 2021, Twitter, a platform known for its brutality and anger, was released “encouraging” form which suggests users should think twice before sending a tweet. Next month, Facebook announced…

2021 It was the Year of the Tour. But to Whom?

Others doubt the purpose of space travel. Kathryn Denning, a sociologist and astronomer at the University of York at Toronto, states: “These are technical issues, and there is no doubt…

Major technical failures of 2021

The drug, marketed by Biogen, is an antibody that binds to brain tissue. Aduhelm embarked on a major human trial, which did not show any real benefit for patients with…

4 Online Tools to Help LGBTQ Youth Finding Help

Recent additions in LGBTQ freedom and transparency were impossible a few years ago. From the same marriage to the widespread manifestation of LGBTQ in the media, popular culture and popular…

How to Save Your Photos on Old Computer

All over the world, we take more than 1 trillion images a year, according to Climb Up Survey, most Americans take about 1,000 photos a year. Although many of these…

Predicting Death Can Change the Value of Life

If you can predicting your death, would you like to do so? Throughout much of human history, the answer has proved logical yes. In Neolithic China, spectators did pyro-osteomancy, or…

Why 2021 was the Biggest Year in the Game of Thrones

The Vodeo Games partnership was created because employees “are very concerned about the work they do, and want to say more about how it works,” Vodeo maker Myriame Lachapelle told.…

A Year in the Flood

For at least a hundred years, about two, gymnastics around the world have been obsessed with the concept of “high” and “low” culture: poetry and pop music, ballet and B…