Predicting Death Can Change the Value of Life

If you can predicting your death, would you like to do so? Throughout much of human history, the answer has proved logical yes. In Neolithic China, spectators did pyro-osteomancy, or orthopedic reading; The ancient Greeks predicted the future with the flight of birds; Mesopotamia He also tried to plan for the future in the intestines of dead animals. We have looked at the stars and the planets, we have seen the weather, and we have also looked to the occult as a “child born of a furnace” of superstition to ensure a better future and a longer life. By the 18th century, the art of prediction had grown slightly scientifically, and mathematician Abraham de Moivre attempted to calculate his death by equation, but the most accurate predictions were not fulfilled.

Then, in June 2021, de Moivre’s great ambition seemed to come true: Scientists have found the first reliable measure of how long you can live. Using measurements of 5,000 protein from Iceland about 23,000, researchers are working deCODE Genetics in Reykjavik, Iceland made predictions about the time of death — or, as their newspaper reported, “what remains of human life. ” It is a strange saying, and it comes with questions about our methods, practices, and meaning in our lives.

Accurate death technology promises to improve the way we think about our death. To most people, death is often a vague thought, which disturbs our emotions. But knowing the end of our life course, understanding the remaining days and hours, removes the shield of freedom. It also allows us to see the dangers differently; we are, for example, able to experiment uncertain drug in an attempt to solve the problem. If the prophecy were fulfilled in advance, most of us would try to avoid the consequences or minimize the consequences. Science fiction has often intrigued us; movies like Limited Report, Seekers of Entertainment, and Terminator the franchise uses future knowledge to change the past, to prevent death and tragedy (or not) before it happens. Indeed, when healthy people are able to predict death, they tend to think of scientific possibilities — in the future when death and disease will be eliminated before they ever begin. But for people with disabilities like me, the death-dealing technique serves as a reminder that we often feel like we are already dead. Longevity science carries a price point: that abundant life it equates to a better or more meaningful life. It is hard not to see a group of professional executives mocking those most at risk.

Availability this summer it was the work of researchers Kari Stefansson and Thjodbjorg Eiriksdottir, who discovered that all the proteins in our DNA are responsible for all death — and that the various causes of death had similar “protein profiles”. Eiriksdottir claims to be able to measure the record in a single blood type, looking at the plasma hourglass for the remainder of the time. Scientists call these post-mortem symptoms biomarkers, and there are 106 of them helping to predict the cause (not the cause) of death. But the success of Stefansson, Eiriksdottir, and their research team is huge. The method he developed is called SOMAmer-Based Multiplex Proteomic Assay, and it means that a team can measure thousands and thousands of proteins at once.

The result of all these measures is not the exact date and time. Instead, they provide medical professionals with the ability to accurately predict the number of patients many possibly death (at high risk, approximately 5 percent of total) and high risk at least they can die (at very low risk), simply by injecting a needle and a small bottle of blood. This may not seem like a lot of crystal ball, but it is clear that this is just a leap. DeCODE researchers are planning to make this method “effective,” and this effort is combined with other competitors to be the first. death forecast technology, plus an intelligent algorithm for performing palliative care. The developers of this algorithm expect to use “Cold AI calculations”Influencing doctors’ decisions and forcing their loved ones to speak out — because there is a big difference between the words” I’m dying “and” I’m dying now. “

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