If AI Predicts Your Future, Are You Free?

As you read In other words, there are many algorithms predicting about you. Maybe it was an algorithm that determined that you would be exposed to this article because it predicted that you would read it. Algorithmic predictions can determine if you find a debt or a work or a house or insurance, and more.

These predictable analytics capture many aspects of life. And yet no one has asked your permission to prophesy such prophecies. There is no government agency under their control. No one informs you of the prophecies that guarantee your future. Worst of all, research in textbooks on predictive culture shows that it is an innumerable field of knowledge. As a group, we have never thought about human predictions – people who are supposed to have free will and free will.

Defending the challenge is at the heart of what it means to be human. Our greatest heroes are those who mocked their experiences: Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, Marie Curie, Hellen Keller, Rosa Parks, Nelson Mandela, and beyond. They all did much better than they expected. Every schoolteacher knows children who have benefited more than they do with their cards. In addition to directing everyone’s priorities, we want a team that allows and encourages to do things that will never happen. However, the more we use AI to divide people, predict the future, and treat them more effectively, the less likely we are to undermine the organization, which will put us at greater risk.

People have it have been using prediction since the time of Oracle of Delphi. Wars broke out on the basis of those prophecies. In the last few decades, prediction has been used to inform people about systems such as setting up insurance funds. Those predictions tend to belong to large groups of people – for example, as many as 100,000 people will damage their vehicles. Some of these people may be more cautious and fortunate than others, but the pay was similar (except for large groups such as age groups) assuming that combining the risks would result in higher costs for caregivers and opportunities to be eliminated. the cost of caregivers and opportunities. When the pool was large, the fixed and fixed costs were.

Nowadays, fortune-telling is based primarily on the use of machine learning systems that use statistics to achieve the unknown. Vocabulary algorithms use large linguistic archives to predict the clear endings of a number of words. Game algorithms use what has been done in previous games to predict possible successes. And the algorithms used in human behavior use history to ruin our future: what we will buy, whether we are planning to change jobs, whether we are sick, whether we are violent or harming our health. car. In this case, the insurance policy will no longer be a combination of risk from large groups of people. Instead, the predictions have become obvious, and you are only paying for yourself, depending on how much you are at risk – which leads to new moral concerns.

An important feature of the prophecies is that they do not address the realities. Foretelling refers to the future, not the present, and the future. Predictability is a metaphor, and all forms of risk assessment and bias are based on it. There may be predictions that are more or less accurate, certainty, but the relationship between probability and reality is much more complex and morally complex than some people think.

Institutions today, however, often try to interpret predictions as if they were an example of realities. And while AI predictions are only possible, they are often interpreted as practical in practice – in part because people are bad at understanding potential and possibly because accident prevention can strengthen predictions. (For example, if someone is predicted that 75 percent may be a bad employee, companies will not want to take the risk of hiring them when they have a low risk profile).

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