How To Set Up Your New Android Phone (2021)

Doing so ensures that your contacts, calendars, messages, spreadsheets, apps, and other settings make you jump to your new device. It will take some time for your old phone to upgrade, especially if you have not saved it recently.

If you are switching from iPhone, launch it Google Drive app. In the Google Drive app on your iPhone, go to Preferences, Recovery backups, and select whatever you want to save and move it to your new phone. You also need to go to your iPhone Preferences and turn off iMessage and FaceTime, otherwise, you may miss the calls and text on your new phone.

Setting Up Your New Android Phone

Insert the SIM card into your new phone and press the power button to turn it on. When you turn on your device, you will be greeted with a number of setup tasks. This is where you will set your language preferences, connect to your home Wi-Fi network, and add information to your Google account. This is the same as your Gmail address and password. Set up security features such as the device’s unlocking key and fingerprint lock, if your phone provides. Finally, you can choose if you want to use Google Assistant and set the word rules if you want.

Signing in to your Google account makes it easy to set up a new phone from there. Items such as the addresses, calendars, and emails that your Google account — whether hidden online or in your old phone — can be accessed on your new device when you sign in. You will be told to choose what you want to do. restore from recent backups. This is a great opportunity to analyze your app list and leave out old apps or games that you no longer use.

Depending on the new Android phone of your choice, you may be able to download data from your old device directly. This usually happens via Wi-Fi, but sometimes you can connect the two phones with a cable. It is a very quick and easy way to download the past (especially photos and videos), so we encourage you to do so if given the opportunity.

If you do not have the opportunity to download the data directly, or you do not like it, you will need another way to download valuable photos and videos. Whether your old phone is an Android or an iPhone, your best bet is to use the cloud-based Google services, Google Images, which come lost on Android devices. This is where your photos are automatically saved every time you store your photos on an Android phone. (If you find that you are often missing out on a Google account, see our guide how to translate the site.)

If you do not already use Google Images, this is great. Pick up your old phone, and save all your backup photos in the Google Images cloud when you open the app and click your little icon on the right hand side. Choose Restore now waiting for the images to match. Your photos should be available for download and download on your new Android phone, as well as the internet, and any iOS device where you downloaded the Google Photos app.

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