The Kid Surveillance Complex Trapped Parents in a Trap

It is extremely difficult to be influenced by parental experiences: Simple, subtle, and persuasive methods are designed to make parents feel warmer, more relaxed, and more reliable at all times. A baby’s circular avatar on a familiar map alleviates the stress of the out-of-your-kind body that has been part of family planning since time immemorial. When we look at our children online and see that they are safe, its design can make us think that they are safe because we checked.

It is easy to fall when a child starts to go out of the world on their own – but what should you do for your 15-year-old? 20 years old? Three years after the text message was sent to me, my son, who was then a teenager, came home depressed one evening. “Mommy, my friend’s parents JUST CALLED HIM and chewed on him,” he shouted, “because we were so far away from where he was supposed to be. We just went to another cafe after school because the first one was full. She is always following him. “Also, a member of an online parenting organization I recently revealed revealed that she was following her son to college, without the adult’s knowledge. .Where would it end? And why do we not have an oframp?

Studies show that being vigilant always does the opposite of enhancing teen safety. A The University of Central Florida studies 200 teens / parents in pairs found that parents who used monitoring programs were more likely to be legitimate, and that the teens supervised were not the same but More exposure to unwanted pornography and bullying. One study, from the Netherlands, found that teens under supervision were very secretive and less asking for help. Not surprisingly, many young people, when you have a hard time asking them, feel that supervision it damages the relationship. And there are real cases, especially for queer and trans teens, where their safety can depend on being able to search without revealing everything to their family.

We need to shift to the concept of youth security that empowers children and enables them to migrate online with IRL autonomy. We want an online presence similar to Free Range Kids, an organization that encourages parents to allow children to do things on their own in a prominent place.

But we must also take away from parents the hope that just a glimpse of the moment and the moment will protect their teens from online and offline accidents. Increasingly parental monitoring has become an easy task for professional companies. Instead of posting junk food on Instagram, say, Instagram can ask parents to pick up on what a teen sees on the platform. In the 2020 report he sang Invisible Younger, Data and Society researched how online dating companies effectively avoid creating the needs of young users. We need to look for the best, not just the best, the best reporting, the best algorithms. Companies should treat young people with respect as a special customer group, which should have a direct relationship with them and not just a parent.

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