18 Hours of Omicron Chaos at Schiphol Airport

Paula Zimmerman first found the news of a new alarming form of corona just staring at his cell phone in the lobby of Cape Town International Airport on November 25., ”he recalls. Zimmerman turned to her husband and said that the couple had a chance to board a flight from South Africa to the Netherlands, due to arrive at the Amsterdam airport of Schiphol the next morning, November 26. The flight went smoothly, and the night changed. the day Zimmerman and his crew planned a week in the Netherlands. KLM flight KL598 from Cape Town to Amsterdam arrived at 10:35 am on November 26-20 minutes early.

But instead of taking a taxi to his gate, the plane took a different route. “We were taken to a remote area of ​​the airport,” said Paul Rebel, a businessman who was also on a plane and traveled to the Netherlands for his mother’s funeral. The pilot’s voice echoed through the sound system: No one could get off the plane, as the Dutch government had imposed a curfew on South Africa. The ban was set to take effect in the afternoon — in just 90 minutes. Flight KL598 was set in a strange, distinct limbo.

Rebel states: “I think we were kept in a plane until 12 o’clock and taken out of the airport. A KLM spokesman said the plane had nothing to do but comply with laws imposed by the Dutch government and and GGD, Dutch health organization. “Passengers were not allowed to disembark before receiving permission from the Dutch government and the GGD,” the spokesman said. All we can do is listen to the riders.

Flight KL598 and another, a KL592 flight from Johannesburg to Schiphol, flew over an invisible wall. As Zimmerman, Rebel, and their travelers flew north into the Netherlands, health officials in South Africa warned the world of a new dangerous species — now known as. Omicron. And in response, the whole world closed its borders – leaving 624 people unknowingly without tar. On the flight from Europe, Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, was pull wants “Danger brakes to stop flying” from southern Africa into Europe. Then the two planes landed.

It may now have a name, but there is much we do not know about Omicron. Nonetheless, the rest of the world, in fear of the possibility of another type, vaccine vaccine, moved swiftly to try to stop the spread. The European Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States have banned several countries in southern Africa. Israel and Japan closed their borders to all foreigners. Governments and scientists are still waiting to see what Omicron is doing to our planet and our people.

“I was a little shocked at first, because I thought it had to do with terrorism,” Zimmerman said. “The captain explained that this was a different matter and that the government did not want us to enter the country. Then I thought, ‘Well, you know, it’ll be fine. I think so. ‘ They said that it would take about half an hour, and we would probably go down and get tested. ”

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