US Space Force Demands Waste Clean Up in Orbit

Aerospace companies or government agencies have not yet implemented a solid waste disposal system. For example, Rogue Space Systems is developing a wasp-shaped Fred Orbot, with solar panels that resemble wings. It is designed to pick up trash and remove it from incoming satellites. With its four robotic armor, it floats directly on debris or satellite, snatching it from its grip, and pulling it slowly in another direction. If it catches a small piece of air, it pushes it down to the ground, so that eventually it will fall and burn in the air. Alternatively, Fred may have small screws or bolts that attach to the idle spacecraft, allowing Fred to fly to his surroundings.

Some companies have specialized in the removal of large amounts of waste, including bus rockets, which, in the event of a collision, could produce more waste. The litter can weigh tons, be easy to hold or move to new locations, and be extremely large in stature. “These things are not there; they are falling. You have a very difficult way of conducting these meetings, “said Darren McKnight, senior technician at LeoLabs, a company based in Menlo Park, California, which manages aerospace and radar systems. He and his colleagues are experimenting with a third method, which is time it is often referred to as the “avoidance of collision.” This can combine to attach thrusters and a GPS receiver to a dead satellite, transforming it into a zombie-type, which can move on its own – at least enough to prevent damage. in another way.

Regardless of the method, McKnight says, with so many developing technologies, they want to see them implemented soon. “We need to put in place these systems that are known to work around the clock. Chat time is over,” he said.

These ideas are reflected in the latest international news, such as Net Zero Space, announced on November 12 at the Paris Peace Forum, an international nonprofit organization that organized efforts. The Net Zero Space Declaration is regarded as a United Nations initiative, with a commitment to two key objectives: Do not create more air pollution, and begin disposing of modern waste by 2030. Earth’s orbit, ”it says.

Although most people are aware of the space crisis between all space corporations and companies, “there is very little consensus around the world,” says Jérôme Barbier, head of space, digital and financial affairs at the Paris Peace Forum. However, he adds, “air pollution has no land. They are threatening all of our resources and all activities related to them, and we must act before it is too late.

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