Watch Joe “You Lie” Wilson Get Destroyed By House Democrat For Afghanistan Lies

Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) was assassinated by Rep. Gerald Connelly (D-VA) for spreading false information about Afghanistan in Sec. State Blinkin.

Rep. Wilson said Biden freed the terrorists in Afghanistan, and it is moving south of the Border because Biden stopped building Trump’s wall.

Wilson went on to say that terrorists coming to the border are going to blow up American cities like a suicide bomber.

Wilson’s video:

Rep. Gerald Connolly Lolani Wilson Have It

Rep. Connolly said, “I guess I can say it to my friend from South Carolina I would be a member of congress who did one of the most difficult they do when the President of The United States Mr. Obama was ours a stranger to shout lies, me can take great care of writing down some lies that iI hear from the Secretary Boma. ”

Connolly Video:

Joe Wilson Will Wear You A Lifelong Lifetime.

Wilson was spreading nonsense that caused panic in obedience. It was Trump who surrendered to the Taliban. Donald Trump released 5,000 Taliban militants.

Afghan terrorists do not come to the southern border, nor do they come to American cities to commit suicide.

A man who shouted “lying” during President Obama State Of The Union he has all the integrity, and will never be the one that made him famous.

Thanks for Rep. Jerry Connolly for bringing the rat back into his cage.

Mr. Easley is the managing editor. Also a White House Press Pool and a DRM reporter for PoliticusUSA. Jason holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science. His graduation program focused on the common good, especially in the future.

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