George W. Bush Compares January 6 Rioters To 9/11 Terrorists At Memorial Event, Angers Conservatives

On Saturday commemorating the year 9/11, former President George W. Bush is seen comparing those who rioted in the Capitol on January 6 with terrorists who tortured the US on September 11, 2011.

Bush has written extensively to intimidate “domestic terrorists” at a special ceremony, which Newsweek explained that “cover comparison” between January 6 and 9/11.

Bush made the remarks while speaking in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, near where United Flight 93 crashed on 9/11.

Bush Calls for Unity Before Making American Citizens Dangerous

“In the weeks and months following the 9/11 uprising, I was proud to lead an amazing, courageous, united people,” Bush said. He said before we realize that “when it comes to unity in America, those days seem to be far from ours.”

“Evil forces seem to be at work in our lives that turn any conflict into a conflict and any conflict into a cultural conflict,” Bush continued.

The former president said: “Most of our politics is just a request for nudity, fear, and anger. This makes us worry about our country and our future together.”

“On a day of grief in America, I saw millions of people grab the hand of a neighbor and fight with each other,” Bush said.

“That’s the America I know,” he added.

Bush: ‘Children With the same Evil Spirit’

But after calling for unity, Bush went the other way.

“We have seen more and more evidence that the threat to our country can come not only from borders but also from internal violence,” he said.

Seemingly focused on the people who staged protests at the Capitol on January 6, Bush said, “There is not much culture between lovers of foreign violence and domestic violence.”

“But it is an abomination, a disregard for human life, a determination to tarnish the image of the world, they are children who have the same evil spirit and it is our duty to continue to oppose them,” Bush added.

In response to these similarities, many took to Twitter to express their outrage.

To say that this has infuriated some who do not want to be careful is to insult.

Fire of the Conservatives on Bush

“George Bush is a hypocrite!” comedian Terrence K. Williams. “This laughter paralleled Jan 6 to 9/11. What a mockery. He never came close.”

The Conservative ACT for America sent a statement saying, “There is no comparison between 9/11/2001 & 1/6/2021. George W Bush is useless.”

“The only place Bush should be at 9/11 is answering the American people for all his lies,” Washington GOP DRM spokesman and military chief Joe Kent sent a statement.

“Instead they are just showing us that the government is not one party, but the authorities are the ones who are mocking us & they have never done anything to us,” adds Kent.

Conservative spokesman Jack Posobiec wrote, “When Occupy Democrats is cheer George W Bush you could be confused if you didn’t listen.”

“Bush publicly compares 9/11 to Jan 6,” Posobiec also tweeted. “They want Trump’s aides treated like jihadists.”

“Are You Listening?” he added.

Newsweek reported that Bush’s comments pleased Democrats.

Leading commentator Glenn Greenwald noted that Democrats are happy because they want the War on Terror weapons under the control of their political enemies.

Jon Cooper, a politician who worked for Obama and Biden, accepted the Bush analogy.

Twitter was filled with comments from left fans like this:

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