Family of Trump Supporter Murdered By Antifa Militant Files Lawsuit Against Portland City, Mayor, and DA

The wealth of Aaron ‘Jay’ Danielson, who was killed by Antifa warlord Michael Reinoehl following a rally against Trump, has filed a lawsuit in Portland, a mayor and state attorney for negligence.

The suit was filed in a court of law on Friday and said Danielson would still have survived if the city had not had “a hand-to-hand” approach to political and opposition protests. The economy needs $ 13 million – $ 1.5 million in financial crisis, $ 1.5 million in financial losses and up to $ 10 million in financial losses.

Danielson, 39, was shot and killed on August 29, 2020 after appearing to have been beaten by Reinoehl.

“We want justice for the safety of young people, the shooting of the city is a dangerous and dangerous way to protect public safety. Over and over again, the city leadership and law enforcement have failed to find a common solution to opposition groups,” said Christopher L. Cauble. the lawyer of the house, he said in his statement.

ABOUT: ENTIRE VIDEO: The Gateway Pundit Interviews President Donald Trump (Revised)

Oregon Moyo reports, “Danielson’s store also accused Multnomah County attorney Mike Schmidt of engaging in the media last summer to adopt new policies and not following what he sees as state crimes such as criminal offenses, police interference or independence, instead focusing on them. intentional destruction of property and the threat of coercion or coercion. ”

The suit states that the Rapid Response Team, which oversees the crowd, was less than two times the size of the shooting – but was told not to disrupt the ongoing demonstrations.

“Given the amount of media coverage over the past few years in relation to the conflict between the left and right opposition groups in downtown Portland, the Defendants knew or should have known that the riots were taking place,” Cauble wrote in the suit.

Reinoehl was shot dead by police as a number of law enforcement agencies went to arrest him for killing a colleague and using an unlicensed firearm.

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