BREAKING: AZ State Senator Wendy Rogers – Audit Report Coming NEXT WEEK

Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers completed her international Vote Tour training and represented in Tulsa, Oklahoma on Thursday.

State Senator Rogers urged U.S. Senator-elect Jackson Lahmeyer at a meeting in Tulsa. Lahmeyer is a staunch warrior who will never return to the left of power or the tyrannical rule of Biden. His main goal is to be honest in the election because that is what got us into this predicament.

(VIDEO) United States Senate-elect Jackson Lahmeyer Approved by AZ State Senator Wendy Rogers – Audit The Vote Rally:

After one final stop, Rogers returns to Arizona to continue his legal career and complete what Arizona Senate has begun.

ABOUT: ENTIRE VIDEO: The Gateway Pundit Interviews President Donald Trump (Revised)

Recent results from the Maricopa County group, led by Liz Harris and other courageous citizens who love their citizens, also highlight cases of wrongdoing.

WATCH – HUGE: Liz Harris At Steve Bannon’s Battle Room: Experimental Tests in Arizona – WHERE DID THESE VOTES GO ?! 173,104 LOST VOTES – 96,389 GHOST VOTE

An accounting report is expected next week after delays caused by Maricopa County and COVID-19.

Jordan Conradson of TGP spoke with Senator Wendy Rogers on her way back to Arizona.

Conradson: Do you have anything to share with us on your findings, if you are out of town on what might happen in the future in this country?

Rogers: Nice to be with you, Jordan, I’m in New Mexico in Santa Rosa, between Tulsa, Oklahoma, and my home. We will be home tomorrow night. We expect the study to come out with its final report next week. I just spend time as I say in Oklahoma. I’ve been in Missouri for some time before this, these are the ones that were the red ones. But people know in these states that there was fraud, corruption, and, for example, in Missouri, where Donald Trump won 19 points. And that’s what the team gets. This is the best of the best for the steel that came out a few days ago in Arizona. This was a group of citizens who complained that, despite pressure from the government, The State Senate, to the extent that we did not include our package. The patriotic heroes joined, devised their own programs even, to do this, and went to cast lots to find out who were the false voters. We went to a house where maybe one person lives there but 10 people voted from there, or they talked to the voters who voted, and then they didn’t vote. The reason is this is the cornerstone, you have the research, then you have the screen, and they both work together to tell a story. That is why I twice called for our submission in January, to talk about the presidential election.

Conradson: There were hundreds of fraudulent votes either. Ghost votes and a loss of votes. So what happens next? Does Attorney General Brnovich take part because this is a scam? This is a case.

Rogers: If there is an error, which has been found in our analysis, it is absolutely necessary, refer it to Attorney General Brnovich.

Conradson: I want to talk to you about the Reawaken America Tour. I noticed that you just joined Clay Clark, General Flynn. Can you tell us a little bit about this?

Rogers: Yes, that’s an interesting group. Clay Clark is a businessman from Tulsa, a loyal and loyal man. An intelligent, intelligent person has combined these Restoring the American Journey which brings people together in spite of action. He holds these meetings all over the world, and I met him and stayed with him for a long time yesterday before I had a meeting with Jackson Lahmeyer, whom I approved in the US Senate today from Oklahoma. Clay Clark has been holding these meetings and bringing together all sorts of conservative, truth-finding, political platforms, and podcasters and so on, as well as directors of the movement, such as General Flynn and putting them all in one place for people to come into action. Then move forward to help our country, learn the truth and participate. I am excited to be with them, coming to Dallas, and to San Antonio in the coming weeks.

Conradson: And my last question is, with all that is going on in Afghanistan, on our southern border, the discriminatory treatment of Joe Biden, the importance of honesty in the elections and how important is it at the moment?

Rogers: We are in this age because we were unfair in the election. Elections have consequences, stolen elections have serious consequences. The reason we are here and honestly, is that the Second Vice President ordered the vaccine on businesses. I think his time is urgent because he knows the truth is coming and he is ready, perhaps in some great way to disrupt the truth before it comes out next week. This is like a rooster crowing, crashing to the ground because Arizona’s big flashlight to illuminate the light to find the truth is coming out, and we don’t stop. We did not give up, no matter what on earth. The tragedy of Afghanistan, these responsibilities, the Draconian annihilation of the state. We know that we as a government have all the power as the parliament to oversee US elections, and we will come to the truth. And I urge you all to go to my page, and sign this form to reflect on the US Presidential election. We want a million signatures, this is a national initiative, and we have about 800,000 signatures now signed across the country, of us who know we have to confirm the presidential election.

Conradson: This is amazing. Many in this country support full criminal investigations, reaching a million. Thank you, Senator.

Rogers: Thank you and thank you Pundit for The Gateway. I had lunch with your founders, Joe and Jim Hoff, and with their true patriots, investigative journalists, who were desperate to find the truth, so that we could remain the foundation of our democracy.

Senate President Karen Fann also confirmed her anticipation of the report next week. As long as everything goes according to plan, this is correct but so far we have seen the steps that opponents will take to stop the process.

When the report of the investigation comes out, and the evidence is presented to Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich, it is up to him to call the ball and strike.

In hindsight, all 50 states should follow Arizona and review their decisions immediately.

Mark Brnovich will need to do the right thing.

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