Evacuation Flights of Afghans Into US Temporarily Paused After Four Diagnosed Cases of Measles Among Refugees Who Recently Arrived in US (VIDEO)

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Friday announced that US rescue planes have been temporarily suspended after four cases of measles among refugees arriving in the US recently.

Biden brought the undiagnosed Afghans to the United States while proving that the Americans were vaccinated against the virus.

“Airlines staff in the United States have been temporarily suspended at the request of the CDC and cautiously due to four measles cases among Afghan immigrants who have recently arrived in the United States. These people are living in isolation,” Psaki said.

Psaki said all Afghans arriving in the US should be vaccinated against measles.

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Biden has declared war on Americans who refuse to accept Covid jab yet Afghans are on the list of terrorist groups and ‘refugees’ by wheelchairs and child brides are being transported to the US.


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