Republican Governors Say They Will Not Accept Biden’s ‘Unconstitutional’ Vaccine Mandates

After President Joe Biden’s speech on Thursday said the vaccine law would come into effect for all government employees, it was for individual employers to work individually. may face penalties due to disobedience, many Republican governors approached to express their disagreement with the White House.

The regression of government officials was rapid.

Biden Governor’s return of Biden Vaccine is faster and stronger

Mississippi State Tate Reeves He said“The president does not have the authority to require Americans to be vaccinated because of their work in the business world. The vaccine saves lives, but violating the country’s laws is dangerous.”

“These are still Americans, and we still believe in the liberation of tyrants,” Reeves struck.

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem has vowed to take action, saying, “South Dakota will stand up for the cause of freedom. (Joe Biden) see you in court. ”

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Georgia Ambassador Brian Kemp He said, “I comply with any laws imposed by the government in Georgia to prevent fraudulent proceedings by Biden officials.”

Arizona State Doug Ducey He said“This is the kind of secretive government that we have worked so hard for in Arizona – now the Biden-Harris administration is cracking down on secret business and human rights in unprecedented and dangerous ways.”

“This can’t stand in court,” Ducey said. “This repressive approach is wrong, not American and it hurts more than the good.”

Governor McMaster: ‘We’ll Fight Again in the Gates of Hell’

Another governor has promised to fight with Biden’s superiors to the “gates of hell.”

South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster he wrote“America’s dream has become a nightmare under the leadership of President Biden and a staunch Democrat. He has declared war on politics, violated the laws of this country, and empowered our foreign enemies.”

“Know that, we will fight them to the gates of hell to protect the rights and lives of every South Carolinian,” the Masters concluded.

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Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson He said, “I support the efforts to continue the development of vaccines throughout our region, but the government that regulates local businesses is not the right solution.”

“I have always been adamant about the right of businesses to get their workers vaccinated, and I have challenged the government to say that businesses cannot exercise this right,” added Hutchinson. “The same principle should also protect government agencies from accepting bribes that give them all vaccine workers.”

Montana Governor Greg Gianforte He said“President Biden’s vaccination law is illegal and non-American. We are committed to protecting the rights and freedoms of the people of Montan to prevent this from happening.”

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