Flashback: Trump’s Book Before 9/11 Warned Of Terrorist Attack That Would Make WTC Bombing ‘Look Like Kids Play’

In his book, America We Must, published in January 2000, Donald Trump warns 9/11 ahead that the United States is in danger of being targeted by terrorists that could cause the World Trade Center bombing in 1993 to be seen as ‘child play.’

“I believe we are in danger of terrorists who could make a bomb blast at the Trade Center look like children playing with eagles,” he said. he wrote.

A 1993 bomb blast at the World Trade Center has killed at least six people and injured more than 1,000 others. told the FBI he hoped to demolish another tower, killing about 250,000 civilians.

The former president and trade leader in his book said that many “smart” scholars accept the idea that America was at risk and “are not surprised. if but when”This major attack will occur.

Unfortunately, Trump was right.

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What Trump Said Before 9/11

The book by former President Donald Trump also mentions Osama bin Laden, the instigator of the 9/11 attacks.

“The other day we were told that an unnamed man named Osama bin-Laden was the main enemy of the group, and US pilots were destroying garbage in their camp in Afghanistan,” he wrote.

“They run away over and over again on a rock, and a few stories later will be for a new enemy and new challenges.”

The real estate market is quick to understand that bin Laden was already known in the world at the time and that Trump’s comments were not a foretaste of things to come.

Trump’s report cites President Bill Clinton’s attempts to curb the bombing of US ambassadors to Kenya and Tanzania in 1998, which Clinton will later describe as an attempt to “disrupt Bin Laden’s terrorist group.”

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Did Trump Help?

In an interview with a German article journalist, Trump talked about sending workers to the World Trade Center a few hours after 9/11.

“We have a lot of men here right now,” he said. “We have over 100 people, another 125 are coming.”

Critics have been skeptical of his statement, noting that there is little conclusive evidence that Trump had employees at Ground Zero. They no longer provide evidence against them, however.

In a statement issued on 9/11 commemoration 2018, Trump also mentioned the increase in the number of terrorists who took our men and women to war.

“As of September 11, nearly 1.5 million young Americans have enlisted in the United States military,” Trump responded in response.

“At least 7,000 members have died in a major terrorist attack on Islam.”

President Biden has been blamed for cracking down on Afghanistan’s military, which has seen 13 militants killed, leaving hundreds of Americans behind, and causing the Taliban to take over the country.

The 9/11 terrorist attacks were the worst in the United States, killing at least 3,000 people.

Nearly 20 years later, the remnants of the other two victims were has just been identified.

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