Many devices within the Internet of things – home alarms, medical clothing, fire alarms, and even headlights — still work on 3G networks. And 3G devices are used in the industry from aircraft to cars.
However, the hands of the clock must turn.
“With all the technological advances, there are always objections, and you can try to reduce them,” says Jason Leigh, research manager at the IDC monitoring company. “But next time, you have to get rid of Band-Aid.”
But the eruption has hurt some industries more than others. Representative groups building security system and medical monitoring device companies are they expressed their displeasure, requesting the FCC to compel AT&T to delaying its transformation until the end of the year 2022. Another committee of the Alarm Industry Communications Liaison Committee, has come to the conclusion that it will. he is a murderer.
“The help we have received is essential to prevent the catastrophic, even fatal, catastrophic sunset that could result in millions of homes, businesses, and government institutions due to the lack of security for alarm systems,” the AICC wrote. at his request to the FCC. “Lives are lost (including many elderly lives) if communication is lost.”
Hyperbolic, either. But either way, AT&T doesn’t seem to have changed. In response to a protest against the sunset, the company he has written that procrastination “could bring down monkeys on AT&T transition to better 5G planning.” Since then, the controversy has escalated. AT&T criticizes AICC for standing on the way forward. AICC criticizes AT&T for putting older people at risk for negligence. Each side claims that the other is only focused on money.
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This type of mutation between wireless generations occurs almost every 10 years. The old standards are temporarily stabilized and then gradually removed. It’s obvious enough, and one company can prepare. That is, only after a national change, for 18 months public health problems pompopompo. The Covid epidemic has disrupted almost all industries, including those that rely on 3G technology. Alarm companies, for example, say that epidemics prevent them from entering people’s homes to raise weapons.
“We experienced the plague, which lasted several months from us, when the elderly and the people did not allow people in their homes or did not pay much attention to such issues,” said AICC spokesman Daniel Oppenheim. “As these difficulties gradually diminished, we said supply chain issues in finding things. ”
By acknowledging the devastation caused by the plague, many telecom companies have already delayed 3G solar exposure by months to years. Verizon initially launched 3G back in 2016, when it announced its target for 2020. AT&T said the same recently. In response to the AICC, AT&T claims that it has done more than enough to prepare customers for the 3G-pocalypse.