3 Years After the Maven Conflict, Google Cozies in the Pentagon

Jack Poulson, a former Googler and now head of the nonprofit Tech Inquiry, says air differences with Maven’s opponents should be commended for hampering the company’s plans and forcing it to focus on AI control. But he says the big differences made in AI principles and Google’s tolerant interpretation make them a shield used to distort light instead of being a useful compass. “I think he just wants to be rejected,” Poulson said. He left Google in late 2018 for a job that would change search technology following Chinese internet surveys.

Alphabet Workers’ Union, which represents a small number of Google employees, tweeted Monday that while Google’s AI policy states that technology should be “publicly profitable,” Joint Warfighter Cloud Capability “will transform DOD’s weapons and cause unjust killings around the world.”

Google still lags behind Amazon and Microsoft in competing in the cloud computing business and in government and security agreements. They all have higher security certificates than Google, which allows them to manage group information. And all of them openly contribute to working with the US government on national security.

Amazon deals with many sections of the Pentagon, including one with a Special Operations Command that uses AI to analyze publications captured by US troops. Microsoft contractors incorporate military service military preparation and augmented reality headsets. It attracted employee exposure but not on Google content. An Amazon spokesman said the company’s commitment was “to ensure that our fighters and security partners acquire the best possible expertise at the best possible and most powerful level than ever before.” Microsoft declined to comment; the company says the Office of Responsible AI looks at its “technical” problems.

Google’s chance to compete in the Joint Warfighter Cloud Capability partnership came after the Pentagon in July. nix Original Bible, called JEDI and is valued at $ 10 billion, which was donated to Microsoft. Amazon and Oracle said in the lawsuit that the award was unfair.

JWCC has a variety of features that can see work shared between several companies. The Pentagon says Amazon and Microsoft are eligible to order and will consider importing IBM, Oracle, and Google.

That design could be good for Google. The company said at the end of 2018 that it would not fund JEDI because it could violate its AI principles and, in particular, lack security certificates. Kurian said in his blog Friday that the lack of certification was a “big” reason but that Google now has more licenses. He said the JWCC model allowed Google to select contractors based on AI principles, leaving a more difficult task for others.

Jerry McGinn, senior vice president of the Center for Government Contracting at George Mason University, expects multilateral contracts to become more common as federal funds grow. This could help Google discuss the barriers to its AI policy and the lack of licenses.

Regular alliances reduce the risk of legal complications such as those that immersed JEDI and increase competition that creates a Pentagon value, McGinn says.

Bloomberg Government to compare that by 2020 the federal government spent $ 6.6 billion on cloud contracts, security agencies accounted for about a third of all, and cloud revenue increased by about 10 percent a year. In 2019 the Pentagon released an AI approach that seeks professional development in all sides of the US military, with the help of cloud computing.

What JWCC contractors will be asked to do is unknown. The name of the program indicates that some of the activities may be related to war. The head of information at the Pentagon said in July that JWCC would provide better support than JEDI for AI projects – Google’s specialty – combined with a program to create algorithms to help administrators realize what they want. The Pentagon is expected to issue an official request in the coming weeks and intends to issue agreements by April 2022.

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