Rudy Giuliani Shares the Truth

A political demonstration came to town today in New York City. No grief can just be an opportunity to seem like he cares.

Rudy Giuliani, the former mayor of New York City, commented today on how some Presidents are attending the 9-11 Day celebrations in New York today for political gain.

New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, known as the “American Mayor” after the 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers at the World Trade Center in Manhattan, on Saturday when he appeared on Newsmax TV looked back on the incident and mocked former Democrat President Clinton and Barack Obama, as well as President Joe Biden, for their foreign ideology in the Middle East and for attending the 20th anniversary celebrations at Ground Zero.

“Seeing the three presidents together, Clinton, who promotes this by doing nothing about it [Osama] Bin Laden, Obama, who gave millions of terrorists to kill people, and Biden, who just killed American Americans…. Were ahead, “Giuliani told Newsmax.” This has never happened before in politics. ”

ABOUT: ENTIRE VIDEO: The Gateway Pundit Interviews President Donald Trump (Revised)

He added that, with the exception of former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, “he actually came the same day. Not a single one of them was present.”

Everything according to the left is related to power and politics.

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