How to Start (and Keep) Healthy Habits

The best way, and the most inspiring, is to run a little harder today than you did yesterday. Do a little more than you did yesterday, even if it meant doing very little. Read 21 pages instead of 20 pages, walk for 11 minutes instead of 10, and so on. Further progress is the goal.

Progress is one of the reasons I don’t dedicate days to new habits and I suggest you don’t, even for the first 90 days. Your body can benefit from rest days if your exercise routine is related to exercise, but do not stop for the first 90 days. Depending on the subject you want to mention, it takes anywhere between 60 to 243 days to develop a new habit. I’ve had the opportunity to have around 90, and I encourage you to go that long for your first try.

On the internet back then, there was a recent story by Jerry Seinfeld who claims to be giving advice to programmer and who can be a joker Brad Isaac. Isaac asked him if he had any instructions for being a joker. Seinfeld’s answer becomes, well, a habit of joking.

It’s obvious, but Seinfeld had a way. He he said Isaac to take up the big wall calendar and said that every time he sat down and worked on it, he should make a big X for the day. “After a few days, you will have a chain. Just keep going and the chain will grow bigger every day. You want to be able to see it, especially if you have a few weeks under your belt. Your next step is to not break the chain. ”

Although it is apocryphal, it is very good advice. It also sounds like a Seinfeld man would say.

Try to reduce stress

One of the reasons we struggle to change our habits is because we are so obsessed with the habits we have. I don’t like to do anything in the morning. I don’t want to read / exercise / cook / etc. Overcoming this inertia and resisting change is difficult, especially since this resistance is often not fully understood.

This is why I have avoided the idea of ​​giving up habits you do not like (get Clear if you want to break a bad habit; they have a lot of good advice on the number) and focus on creating new habits – they often exist. low intellectual property.

But what if you could reduce your intellectual property? In this way, you can stop focusing on certain habits and teach your needs. This is a well-known theme in ancient writings from the Catholic canon of meditation New Mental Disorders in the early 20th century.

The will is like a muscle, and you must strengthen it by training strength. I’ve seen countless versions of the game, but they all go like this: Sit down in a chair facing the wall. Choose a place on the wall. Get up from the chair and go grab the space on the wall. Go back to the chair and sit down again. Rinse and repeat. Most books tell you to start doing this 10 times and plan to get out of there.

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