Dark Future Trading Business

Forecast predictions always increasing by the end of the year, but in 2021 something different is entering into the permanent concept of electronic devices and life: predictability. Amidst the diversity of Covid-19 as well as the growing number of countries, the global economic crisis and climate change, emergencies are fueling the feeling that almost everything has been fixed – from. food to queerness, marriage to game, and aging to songs. And with the uncertainty of what is happening as the current life, the future is as bright as it once was, which promises to increase uncertainty.

“Future” itself has become a well-known saying. Slack has called himself the future of the profession and launched his Future Forum. Everyone from Facebook (now Meta) to Atari to Seoul has announced that it will take place soon. the future of our reality. Universities are building “future committees. ” Governments are committed a stable future. The “future” has only a shorter period of time than its promotion. Persuasion can be a powerful indicator of progress and hope so that it can ignite skeptical or immobilizing thoughts and beginnings and motivate people even when they are going through a very difficult time. German historian Reinhart Koselleck wrote: “The future is bound up with the present crisis.” But if we take this vision seriously, the bright future we are selling could threaten to exacerbate suffering. Removing this future fashion requires an understanding of how we have come here, who benefits from it, and how we can know the future from schlock.

People are watching in modern times for much of human history, whether in the form of a prayer for rain or for salvation. But use to predict that get ready the future is a mere figment of the imagination — the raising of many children in the West has only begun in the 19th century. In his book Looking Ahead: Predictability and Doubt in Modern America, Jamie Pietruska describes how, during the scientific breakthrough of the late 19th century and impartiality, “divination permeated the scientific, economic, and cultural spheres,” appearing in such things as weather forecasting, divination, and prophecy. about how a business will grow or a partnership. . These changes were accompanied by the rise of modernity, the rise of social and technological change which continues to promote innovation, development, and environmental degradation. As Marxist philosopher Marshall Berman wrote, “Modernity is to find ourselves in a place that promises us travel, power, happiness, growth, transformation of ourselves and the world — and, at the same time, the threat of destroying everything we have, everything we know. , all we are. “He wrote this in 1982 and describes the 19th and 20th centuries, but it also applies to the future that Berman could not see, our present time. understanding and controlling confusion.The answer to future shocks is predicting the future.

But not everyone meets or thinks of the “future” in the same way. The march to the future is full of history and culture, which has benefited especially the rich white people who think the future belongs to them. If the future is thought of as a source, then it has been stolen and used primarily by a single vision. Inequality and injustice diminish future opportunities just as they do with land or money. For example, as a sociologist Lark nelson said, “Contamination is created as it always contradicts a history driven by professionalism. Take the dream that the future world can be racist, an idea that at one time ignores the evils of apartheid and reduces the needs of black people and culture. Other oppressed groups also find themselves with a dystopian future problem when they are not included in the utopian. Think about what it means when future technologies simply seek to eliminate disability or old age, not considering the needs of older or disabled people, or what they can afford. Energy affects the types of innovations that come out and who benefit from them.

While the ability to plan for the future is often exciting, it is also at the center of capitalism, which preserves such things as business repayments, expected acquisitions, and a combination of purchases and interests. (In many respects, a for supply chain the current catastrophe is a failure to anticipate the future.) Since the early part of the 20th century, there has been a steady stream of rising profits, with increasing levels of human life being the scene of unimaginable economic opportunities. Companies like Price WGSN artwork, silhouettes and fashion; thinkers as the Institute for the future advises the basics and non-profits on the future of health care or authority, and sociologists as The Future Laboratory explains the results of the actual results on Generation Z to their Fortune 500 customers. Not to mention (white, male) businessmen like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, or Mark Zuckerberg, who are moving the markets with their hyperbolic and self-advertising advertising.

As someone who has been learning about futurists for years, the entry barrier feels a little different every day. Because the future is so high, it seems that everything needs to be taken seriously as a futurist and claim to be one. On the one hand, futurism democracy means more words, more ideas, and more possibilities – more power for most of us to prepare for. But there is also the price to pay if the most important thing as the future is concerned with the interests of more wealth while hype makes headlines and lies produce the truth. It means that we value the stupid opinions of celebrities more than we should. (Nuking Mars, anyone?) Refers to impossible technologies (such as a laundry robot) and unpublished courses (e.g. Ic about Covid transmissibility) is treated as if it is safe and reliable. It means that future anxieties may cause us to be distracted by current affairs. It also means that people whose platform gives them the ability to speak and hear about the future are not often asked to ask for their thoughts and intentions. Take the breathless forecast of cars without a driver, that was is expected to be everywhere by 2020 yet they are still struggling with legal, operational, and technical difficulties. When social change becomes a thing of the past, cheap transitions become plentiful, which threatens to undermine our future.

A surfeit wa predictions can make it seem like there are a lot of global certainty. And of course, the rapid changes coming from all corners need our attention, action, and care. But well-known predictions remain unchanged, and there is little response to erroneous predictions. (Most fortune-tellers will tell you that they do not practice predictions, they like words like predictions, foresight, or other futures, but these differences are too deep for most people to understand.) – and uncertainty is what happens. A multifaceted, multidisciplinary future, with multiple goals does not preclude prediction but adds to the confusion, making prediction even more important. The future will be modern as long as times go by — and as long as there is money to be made and care to be taken in leading those who feel, and will always be, behind the pan.

That is why it is so important for everyone to know when the future is being used as snake fuel to entice us not to fail which is really another trading strategy. Asking who would benefit from other future visions is a good start; the same goes for the money. Interpreting and making predictions for the future is a good reason for everyone to take action learn future starting strategies such as events, environmental analysis, and backcasting. It is also important to support organizations that are looking to change what the future means, inclusive Teach the Future bringing future education to schools and Afrotectopia empowering radical Black futures. We cannot prevent the future from being modern, but we can develop it the way we want. Careful attention to the future being sold to us today is crucial to finding a better future for the next generation, which Neil Postman calls “the living messages we send to the future.”

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