Automatic Home Broadband Must Be Legally Established

How we internet usage has changed — and faster. Prior to the epidemic, telecoms and online BT operators were active five terabits of data per second from its UK clients during the day. When the plague hit and the earth closed, the data doubled. In Germany, DE-CIX Frankfurt, the world’s largest internet connection, broke several bandwidths with the 2020 rate beyond 2019 prices. and 28 percent.

One week later, the international offices were in an uproar. Finally, they became silent. In the new trend, office workers spend their days jumping from one video conference to another, each using the required bandwidth. Workplaces like Slack are always singing and audible. And under them our digital connections are disrupted.

If the world of work changed immediately, the infrastructure provided gradually changed. But now lawmakers are trying to take action. Switzerland is a relatively recent country that thinks its cybercrime is lazy, meaning it will requires providers providing a minimum of 80 Mbits / second download speed and 8 Mbits / second upgrade speed by 2024, from 10 and 1 Mbits / second current. Significant growth is necessary for people to ensure that people have reliable, fast connections as they do to work from home and continue their online education, the Swiss government says.

“With this epidemic, we have all realized the importance of having a fast and reliable connection,” said Paolo Gerli, a lecturer at the University of Edinburgh Napier who studied the importance of access to Broadband and is a member of International Telecommunications. Society, an online financial organization. “Speed ​​and reliability are very important, especially when doing your home-based business.”

The amount of data sent online has grown steadily over time: In 2013, more UK people were employed. about 1 GB per day, according to data produced by UK media regulator Ofcom. In 2020, it was about 14.3 GB – an increase of 1,330 percent. At the same time, the rate of home download increased from 17.8 Mbits / second to 80.2 Mbits / sec — an increase of 350 percent. To put it another way: Data volumes are slower than data speeds.

This is not only bad news for your Zoom phone, it is also bad for the economy. A 2018 survey of OECD countries and Pantelis Koutroumpis, an economist at Oxford University at Oxford Martin School, found that Broadband speeds from 2 Mbits / second to 8 Mbits / second add up to 1 percent of all household items. In the UK and US, Broadband speeds account for an annual GDP growth of about 0.12 percent between 2002 and 2016. and economic growth should be significant. A different studies by Deloitte found that a 10 percent increase in access to the U.S. in 2014 would increase employment by 875,000, adding $ 186 billion to the economy, by 2019. Its demand has grown significantly during the epidemic, “says Koutroumpis.

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