Why I Love Running in Video Games

My husband is I like playing video games together. While it may be beneficial to be in a state of running and exercise, or to connect online with friends who are far away from your friends, it is fun to be in a room with some of your loved ones and entertain or irritate them. your abominations.

Big open games are good for this. For several weeks after its establishment, we played games Far Cry 5 (pa not-really ideas about my friend Boone Ashworth). My husband enjoys the impossible physics — jumping off the roof of a house to pick up bad people, drifting across the waterfall — while I akonda love something.

I like playing. I like to swim around the yard, look for small hidden keys, and go in and around and around, looking at small wards for hidden coins. I like to get out of the car and walk around the countryside, stealing bags with my dog ​​Boomer. Last night, I brought out the apostate followers and found myself riding on their ritual sacrifice, a naked, ugly, rotten corpse hanging from a tree with a garland of flowers on its head. “There should be something the fun remained for this person! ”I thought excitedly.

It started to get out of control. Either I sit in the armory for a solid 15 minutes Large Scrolls, read every library book The Witcher, or trying to find my favorite gun PUBG images, I love to play. I call it “buying things”. This is the best and most annoying thing I do (except chasing the wrong way or accidentally shooting you in the head). Why do I do this? Should I stop?

The Power of Darkness

If you grew up, as I grew up, around with people playing Dungeons & Dragons and World of Warcraft and collecting their belongings carefully, you can be forgiven for thinking that hunting – or the familiar word, “seizure” – is an important part of the game.

We are not really. Shooting and cheating have appeared even in the oldest games, but they are he agrees The same theft as we know it now first appeared in 1996, at Blizzard’s Diablo. In an attempt to improve the way players can jump into the kill-and-scrounge road, producers David Brevik and Erich Schaefer realized they had filled the space with a team of sculptors.

The seizure boxes work according to a general motivational principle, the same as the one people hold on to their seats in casinos. While searching, looking for small boxes, you will sometimes find something really good. Sometimes, not so much. All of these results are a powerful incentive to move forward. The dopamine response to success usually reduces the risk of loss and acts as bait. The One When you come to a remote village and start hunting in the empty houses, you will of course find something bigger. Other than that, it happened a few times ago!

For me, it also fits final preparation. Harvard researchers found that people tend to focus more on completing small, large, not large tasks. You get dopamine after looking at things on the list. For me, I have magnified my own inadequacies. Instead of concluding the actual story, it gives me the satisfaction of searching one house in town or finding a coffin. this one alone the player I killed. It can be very frustrating to be left behind. I risked my life for this, dammit!

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