What Is an Invasion?

Most hacks start and the victim makes another mistake, either by inserting a password into a satisfactory appearance fraud page or accidentally lowering the bad connector on computer operation. But one of the worst ways to start is just to visit the real page. They are called irrigation holes, and in addition to long-term threats have been causing a number of high-profile incidents recently.

A well-known invasion of the irrigation hole in recent memories appeared in 2019, later targeting iPhone users within the Uyghur Muslim community in China for two years. But expert intelligence experts insist that this method is the most common, probably because it is so powerful and effective. The online security company ESET claims to recognize several holes per year, and the Google Threat Analysis Group (TAG) also monitors the monthly monthly rate.

The name derives from the idea of ​​putting poison in a central water source that then affects everyone who drinks the water. Likewise, it awakens a monster that lurks near a pit to wait for its prey to pass. Pit irrigation is difficult to detect because they often operate silently on legitimate websites whose owners may not be aware of any defects. And even if it did, it is often unclear how long the plot has lasted and how many people have been affected.

“Let’s say that the attackers are following the democrats. Instead of focusing on the freedom fighters and the thing they have to click on, which can be difficult because they are very poor, you can go somewhere they are already going and jump right away. to the point of exploiting them. ”

Earlier this month, for example, the TAG published the findings of a pit attack that disrupted several media outlets and promoted democracy. list visitors using Macs and iPhones in Hong Kong. Based on the evidence it was able to collect, TAG was unable to confirm with certainty how long it took or the equipment involved.

Holes in the holes always have two types of victims: a legitimate page or activities that the attackers interrupt to block their malicious weapons, as well as disturbed users when they visit. Terrorists have been able to reduce their footprint, using a cracked page or use it as a means of access between victims and external weapons, with no sign to users that there is anything wrong. In this way the attackers should not do anything inside the damaged page. Easy for thieves, this makes the attacks easier to set up and harder to track.

In order for a web site visitor to become a real fraud, attackers must use software errors on the victims’ devices, often with threats that start with the victim. browser problem. This gives the attackers the opportunity to set up spyware or other malicious programs. If hackers really want to throw a big net, they set up their base to use as many types of weapons and software types as possible. However, researchers point out that although hack attacks may appear random, hackers can target those who are directly affected by the device’s type or use other browsers, such as the country from which their IP address is derived.

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