Looking for a New Life? Search Alien Tech

Back in 1950, Enrico Fermi asked a question that is now called Fermi Paradox: Considering the countless galaxies, stars, and countless planets in the universe, it is not surprising that life is everywhere — so why have we not found it? Natural growth is only one answer. People may have encountered the external environment (ET) but have not realized it. Maybe that does not want to be found. Maybe it controls the Earth without us knowing. Maybe we don’t find it fun.

And there is another reason: The search for advanced visitors is driven by human thinking, combined with the idea that advanced ET will be “alive.”

Scientists working to study the earth’s ecosystems study the demands of life on Earth — carbon and water — and biosignatures: oxygen and natural substances, such as methane, that organisms release, release, or hide. Exploring biosignatures is difficult for many reasons, and biological records do not show the existence of life, as they can be derived from geological or other natural forces (e.g., hurricanes). methane was found on Mars has fascinated scientists for centuries, but they still do not agree.

The idea that living things on other planets could look or act like living things on Earth is wrong and is forced by human nature. It is similar with the assumption that intelligent life on the planet would be a product of human ingenuity. Maybe we didn’t get visitors because the weirdest places are beyond biology together.

In grand policy, Earth is a small planet. If we consider that species evolved from other planets, then we could also form well-informed ideas about how living things evolved — meaning that other living things also evolved into technologies, such as equipment, transportation, industry, and computers. Perhaps those species developed artificial intelligence (AI) or real worlds. Advanced ET could come “one skill, ”While AI surpasses human or biological intelligence. They may have encountered what many scientists believe about Homo sapiens’ expectations combining living things with machines. Maybe they’ve been nanosats. Maybe they are data or is part of a digital network that serves as a public domain information. In fact, the final change to Drake Equation– a method of calculating the potential of the higher, smarter living things in nature – confirms that the development of technology is evolving known signals over a long period of time, meaning that they will eventually disappear or become extinct.

The idea that ET intelligence can exist as a “super” AI provided by scientists as Susan Schneider, co-founder of Center for the Future Mind; SETI senior astronomer Seth Shostak; and others. Mu a op-ed to The Guardian. Caleb Sharp, the director of Columbia Astrobiology Program, he argues that “Just as a Mongol 13th-century man might view a self-driving car as magical and meaningless, we can hardly register or interpret the existence of billions of engineers.”

The potential for AI to be super AI is a very long-term limitation of human intelligence concerned scientists like Nick Bostrom and merchants such as Elon Musk, so that the presence of high-end AI visitors raises important concerns about the dangers of exploring — and finding — them. It also raises questions about the potential dangers. Forest Theory Theory he laughs at these threats, implying that the environment resembles a dense jungle infested with wild beasts and animals and that stealing is the best way, perhaps the only way to escape.

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