US astronomers want a giant telescope to search for new planets like Earth

Using spectroscopy, which analyzes the relationship between matter and light, astronomers have now begun to study the atmosphere of large, tropical countries to find evidence of biosignatures, or signs of life on other planets.

The second important issue that has been announced in this report: the search for an understanding of the past of our universe in the study of the nature of nature. black holes, bright white, and the explosion of stars. Through projects such as the introduction of the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna, aerospace research that is expected to detect and measure gravitational waves, research in the area can help scientists discover new physics and sharpen our understanding of the depth of space.

The third key point will be to address the origin and evolution of galaxies and to see how these celestial systems interact. In particular, researchers want to use spectroscopy to study the various features that make up the galaxy’s atmosphere.

A new way of preparing for missions

The committee’s report also states that NASA should develop a new program to change the way projects are designed and implemented.

González stated: “Instead of acknowledging and approving a mission that will last for so many years, what we encourage NASA is to create a line we call the Great Observatories Mission and Technology Maturation Program that creates and develops pre-mission skills. approval. ”

The program will develop technologies many years in advance in which they can prepare for any aerospace activity and provide a check and initial assessment along the way. The process usually starts when a project is approved, but the program requires reducing the time between design and implementation.

Considering the amount of time and money required to formulate a mission concept, the report suggests that the new approach could help increase the amount of major missions that NASA can operate simultaneously. Whether they go by plane or not is not a problem, says González. It’s about having the right resources and support as soon as possible.

The first task to enter the new program will be a space telescope that will use a wide variety of imaging to provide new information on exoplanets, in line with what Astro2020 is all about. Larger than ma Hubble Space Telescope, will be able to see planets smaller than their star by about 10 billion. This will dramatically change the way astronomers view the universe.

Today, the estimated cost of the project is approximately $ 11 billion, and if approved by NASA, the implementation was not planned until the early 2040s.


In view of the downside, the committee’s top idea is to continue investing in the US Extremely Large Telescope Program, which currently has three components: the Giant Magellan Telescope in Chile, the Thirty Meter Telescope in Hawaii, and the National Science Foundation’s. National Optical-Infrared Astronomy Research Laboratory, based in Arizona.

Astro2020 also recommends that Karl Jansky Very Large Array and Very Long Baseline Array be replaced by The Next Greatest Group, a great television station, to be built by the end of the decade.

The report says the success of any project is crucial if the United States expects to maintain its role as a leader in the cosmos.

González says he hopes this year’s report will bring new developments that are reaching beyond scientists. He stated: “This group is not just astronomers. “They are astronomers and people who benefit from astronomy.”

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