The moon did not die as quickly as we thought it would

The use of isotope dating is a method based on Monthly calculation, which includes comparing the age of the atmosphere in some way with the number of craters on the surface, the team confirmed that the lava flows in Oceanus Procellarum as early as 2 billion years ago.

Chang’e 5 was the first lunar eclipse project in China and the first exploration to bring astronomy back in 1976. Later installation at the end of November and back to early December 2020, is one of eight aspects of China’s lunar mission.

Nemchin claims that there is no evidence that thermal energy sources (such as potassium, thorium, and uranium) are found at the base of the moon’s crust. This means that these factors may not have caused this to work, as scientists think. Now, they need to look for other explanations for how the movement is made.

The history of the lunar eclipse can teach us much about the Earth. According to the great theory, the moon is only one part of the Earth that collapsed when our planet collided with another.

“Every time we get a new understanding of the celestial bodies in the moon, it affects not only the understanding of the universe, but also the eruption of mountains and even the common geology of other planets,” he says. Paul Byrne, associate professor of Earth and Planetary Science at Washington University in St. Petersburg. Louis, who did not participate in the study.

The explosion not only shaped the shape of the moon – the old volcanic beds now look like black patches on the moon – but could also help answer the question of being alone in nature, says Byrne.

“Exploring astronomy in some way requires understanding the existence of life,” says Byrne. Explosive activities contribute to the cultivation of air and sea, which are essential for life. But what these new findings tell us about a life that can be elsewhere is still uncertain.

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