Astronomers Prepare to Explore the Hidden Sea of ​​Living Europe

After Mars is a band from the surface, half a billion miles from the sun, the planets around the sun may look cold, hopeless, and lifeless. But scientists believe that there is a possibility that microbes can live on the moon’s surface, and you can find them by looking at the right places. For many researchers, the place is Europe, its descent.

Planetary scientists have learned a great deal about Jupiter’s fourth lunar month, one of the closest to the earth – Saturn Titan and Enceladus with bodies of salt water and other beverages that can be recovered. They are showcasing their findings this week on Europe’s cracks, hidden seas, and weather events for the biggest year planetary assembly in the United States, organized by the American Astronomical Society, which took place about two years later. This study is the beginning of an opportunity to attract new services sent by NASA and the European Space Agency.

“Europe is good. “Everywhere you look today, the tide of protectionist sentiment is flowing,” I think… of the inner rock masses, Bland believes that the ocean floor can be alive, according to a new project presented by NASA Jet Propulsion Laborator Catherine Catherine at the conference on Monday.

The European lake is frozen in about 10 miles[10 km]of ice, but that does not mean that it is too cold. As the moon orbits Jupiter, the force of the waves emits heat that dissolves around 5% of the moon’s mass, dropping sharply on the ground. Some of those magma can travel up to 100 miles[100 km]through tiny cracks in the cold, rocky outcrops, and explode beneath the ocean, says Bland. If this is the case, and more often, it can act as a kind of liquid on Earth: The ocean floor provides energy and organic matter, away from the sun and photosynthesis. Hardy organisms They thrive in the darkest, darkest places on earth, and they probably do.

But for that to work, magma had to reach the ocean floor quickly, before it could freeze. His upper bouts featured two cutaways, for easier access to the higher frets just a little bit fast enough to work in this way, the Bland species show, meaning there is a chance of survival under the sea in Europe. “It makes sense, but some things have to be met, and it’s not guaranteed,” he says.

Europe is considered to be one of the four moons of Jupiter in Galilee, which Galileo Galilei saw with his telescope before NASA four hundred years ago. Locals include Io, volcanic, sulfuric, volcanic areas near Jupiter, and travel beyond Europe, the great Ganymede and Callisto. The two can have seawater, and, if so, the water can be very deep under very hard rocks.

But Europe is unique. Not only is its crust a reddish hue, but the surface is filled with thousands of tiny, tiny rivers, some hundreds of miles away. In the photographs available here, Michelle Babcock, an earth scientist at Georgia Tech in Atlanta, identified almost “70 lines” between them: beautiful, immovable buildings as opposed to the straight and moving mountains that scientists can already describe.

Although he still does not know what causes the intersection of all roads, all the outer crests of the moon can be traced in some way from its long distance, which runs again and again near – then to Jupiter. “As it circles Jupiter, the bullet is stretched and pulled, and the pressure of the water causes explosions and cracks, resulting in many parts,” Babcock said. He shared his findings with colleagues Britney Schmidt and Chase Chivers on Monday.

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