Missouri Gov. Parson: ‘All Options On The Table’ To Stop Biden’s Vaccine Mandates

Author Joe Mueller (The Center Square)

(The Center Square) – Missouri Governor Mike Parson is set to meet with the attorney general’s office and lawmakers this weekend to discuss all possible solutions to President Joe Biden’s “Path out of the epidemic”.

“I think we’re trying to figure out what to choose, but I’ll tell you this: All the decisions will be on the table,” Parson said after visiting the Metropolitan Employment and Training (MET) Center in St. Petersburg. Louis City. “As we work this weekend, let’s see what stops this. You know, we’re not the only government out there that has to go through this. There have been a lot of people out there trying to figure out what we can do and what the challenges might be. ”

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Biden on Thursday night announced a six-disease plan with a mandate that employers with 100 or more employees must ensure that employees receive a vaccine or receive a weekly COVID-19 test. Vaccination will also be required of all federal and contract workers. Health workers in Medicare- and Medicaid-paid hospitals and Doctors’ and other health care areas will need vaccination.

The plan calls on countries to take vaccination requirements for all school staff. Biden’s policy encourages parents to vaccinate their children. Parson predicted that Biden would soon be ordering a student vaccination.

“Would the president of the United States go and take your child and say, ‘I want to put the vaccine in your hands if you are over 12 if you want to go to school?'” Parson asked. “I don’t think he has the right to do anything. I don’t think anyone in Missouri – wherever there is a problem – would want this to happen without parents telling their children what happened. “

Leader of St. Louis County Sam Page, a Democrat who is being held by Attorney General Eric Schmitt for imposing a secret law violation of state law, visited MET and Parson. Page, a medical consultant, praised Biden’s strong response.

“You’re very brave and you play a big part,” said Tsamba. “He has a plan and is implementing it in a timely manner. We are looking at his advice to the Justice Department to look into some of the most effective antidepressants in other countries. “It is the courage and the will to do what is right for our economy, for the people to work and for the children to go to school.”

Parson did not elaborate on how the government would fight for the federal system.

“The thing I don’t think you want to do is do things too fast and make a mistake,” Parson said. “You want to take your time and make sure you get it right, so you know how to take it back and how to prevent this. Because I’m just telling you, it won’t work in Missouri. It doesn’t happen. ”

Parson’s office sent a press conference late Friday afternoon promising to wage war and said Biden’s idea was to “divert attention from its shortcomings” in Afghanistan, southern borders and rising prices.

ABOUT: Biden Vaccine Promotes Prejudice

“President Biden should focus on protecting our troops and protecting our borders, instead focusing on secrecy and doing business for the hardworking people of Missouriya,” House spokesman Rob Vescovo, R-Arnold, said in a statement. his words. released by the embassy. “This is a clear attempt by the President to draw attention to his failures in Afghanistan, where his tragic departure has left American citizens behind. We at the Missouri House of Representatives cannot stand this, and we will do everything we can to protect the rights of the American people.”

Senate Pro President Tem Dave Schatz, R-Sullivan, criticized the economy.

“As a small business that can be overthrown by President Biden’s power, I, or Missouri Senate, will not allow this power to hurt the people of Malawi,” Schatz said in a statement. “What the Biden Administration is trying to do will exacerbate the shortage of working people around the world and is against our American rights.”

Linked to permission from The Center Square.

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