Greg Kelly Suggests Trigger-Happy Killer Lt. Mike Byrd Will Work This Weekend at DC “Justice for J6” Protest (VIDEO)

In July, The Gateway Pundit confirmed Lt. Mike Byrd was Ashli ​​Babbit shooter.

Lt. Byrd killed Ashli ​​Babbitt in cold blood on January 6 at the US Capitol.

** You can donate to Justice to the legislature of Ashli ​​Babbitt Pano.

Ashli ​​Babbitt, a former U.S. military ally of Trump, was shot dead inside the US Capitol. He did not shoot and did not threaten the police or anyone else. There were several police officers around him where he was killed without warning. Companion killer Lt. Mike Byrd fled the hall after being shot dead without warning.

ABOUT: According to VAERS Website: There were 3,296 deaths of COVID Vaccine in the US Since July 24 – Or Average 70 Deaths Daily

Pundit Gate confirmed Lt. Mike Byrd was He gave it to Ashli ​​Babbitt.

And now we also know that Congress was fired on January 6 because of a bomb threat. It wasn’t because of Trump’s audience walking around the halls.

ALL WERE LIES: Congress Transferred Jan. 6 Because Of The Pipe Bomb Threat – Not Because Trump Supporters Walk In The House

In Judges Lt. Mike Byrd was acquitted of killing Ashli ​​Babbitt in cold blood. Without warning, he fled the scene, shot an unarmed woman, and threatened her.

And now they are free.

Greg Kelly offered a suggestion Monday that Lt. Happy Mike Byrd will work on Saturday at the Conservative “Justice for J6” conference on Saturday.

Greg Kelly went on to say that the unrepentant murderer Mike Byrd could once again be armed.
God help us.

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